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May 5, 2020


The birthday is this week, but now it is a difficult time to celebrate. Fortunately, there are many creative ways to celebrate almost. Here are some really fun ideas …

Talent competition. Give each visitor at least a week to prepare and then ask them to make presentations at the zoom or Google Hangouts. So much fun!

Virtual treasure hunt. I like this idea and I could try it on Friday for Dot’s birthday. Everyone is approaching Google Hangouts or Zoom. A leader has a list of random items, one shared at a time, and the others have to find them and then bring them back to show the team in the video. Points awarded in the fastest retriever in each round! Some fun ideas here and I also like the children’s version of the alphabet.

Car parade. Decorate your car at home and go to the boys’ birthday house. Parade in your decorated cars in the neighborhood! Give your children the task of washing the car first :). My girlfriend Audrey designed this car show for her birthday this week, but unfortunately, it was raining.

Party driving. I’ve seen some versions. Set up a base with cupcakes and pizzas on your treadmill or stairs (although you need to be careful how you avoid contact and/or paper/packaging transmission, so I don’t like this version). Or ask your friends to drive at a specific time, with a horn and a song, or maybe a few water balloons on a hot day!

Fantastic dress. Another simple idea of ​​the zoom or Google bubble Everyone is dressed like crazy or with a fun color theme like that money from the idea of ​​a Grammy party.

Internet games together. There are many, we like Jackbox more. There is a $ 5 charge, but a user can share their screen. Everyone plays on their phone during zoom or Google Hangouts. My family and I did it a few nights ago, it was a lot of fun.

Virtual tea. Ask guests to organize a snack at home, with big hats or DIY wreaths, and share videos. Take one level: everyone has to speak in a British accent.

Letters/balloons hanging in the atrium. Ask your friends to leave balloons or posters in your garden. It may even come as a surprise to a family member. Or try shiny bright balloons for the night.

Virtual dinner. Schedule a good dinner and enjoy it with friends via zoom or Google Hangouts. Dinner talks that you will otherwise miss!

Dance party or karaoke. Put on your favorite dance playlist, turn on the disco lights, and invite your friends to join the video. Find my favorite disco lighting here (photo here for the 40-year-old disco party).

Love window. Decorate the birthday boy’s window from the outside with posters or other works of art. I like this idea of ​​the heart of the rainbow from A Beautiful Mess.

Virtual movie night. Ideal for a small group. Start a movie or TV show at the same time with some friends while making a video call from your phone so they can laugh and enjoy together.

Dinner dessert. Everyone makes a gift party for dinner together during a video conference! I would choose this ice cream cake.

Practical local entertainment party. There are currently many unemployed artists and participants. Why not hire them to have fun? Maybe a puppet or a magician? We watched a children’s party last week via zoom that hired a puppet show and it was a lot of fun!

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