May 15, 2020

12 Poems that will Shake You to your Core.

The wonderful thing about poetry is that there are no rules.

Within the mystery of my ink, there’s a vast, glowing, empty page where, as you read, you interpret the story through your own lens.

In essence, I write the words and it’s you who creates the story. I believe there’s healing to be found in the blackened strokes of poetry, often words touch wounds that are still open within us, remind us of glorious past times, or of dreams we once had that are long lost.

It’s important to step back and acknowledge what you feel when reading, maybe you’re still healing from things you don’t speak about, or maybe you have forgot to remember what really sets your soul on fire.

Look beyond my words, deep into the sea mist of your thoughts and spot the emerald isles that hold the understanding of why that poem touches your core.


The Last Single Girl

They never tell you when you’re young

That you lose your friends to life


Dark Monday

As I bloom into a beautiful flower

You slowly poison my roots

Hoping I’ll wilt

So you stand taller in the garden


Green Light

Men are like taxi cabs

If their light isn’t on

You can still get in

But they’ll never take you home


A Silver Lining

Loving and losing is not unfortunate

For one who has truly loved

Can never lose entirely


Open Your Mind

Why be so rigid

In a world that is fluid


Paid Love

They can put their hands on me

But they know I will never look them in the eyes

Anything other than empty lies and validation

If the price is right


An Eye For An Eye

Is it tenacious

To take mine

Because I took yours

Or perhaps only foolish

To both end up blind


Ivory Tower

I want to go to Venice and watch the sun set between the buildings

I want to see Paris in the rain and watch the stars light the river at midnight

But most of all

I want to look into your eyes and see something other than emptiness when you look at me


The Looking Glass

It was the series of little digs

That dug the grave of our love


Past Doors

Don’t long for the wilted flower

To stand tall again

Its time is spent

Turn your attentions to another bloom


If I Knew

It isn’t just about meeting the right person

You have to be the right person


Lust is a Poison Best Served On Ice

You know, love is all lust ever wanted to be

But she must accept she is not of spiritual nature

She has darker qualities


You’re the greatest project you’ll ever work on. There’s a simple truth in life that once you identify thoughts, hurt, dreams, realities and really see them as they are, you can begin to work on evolving to build, heal, and flourish into the best version of you.

It’s okay to admit that you have old wounds that are still open, healing takes time. Just like there’s no shame in realising that certain people you’re letting into your life no longer make you happy, they are some of my truths that I identified, when I looked at poetry another way.

Be alone with your thoughts to notice old sorrows and allow them to gently melt away. Become harmonised with your dreams, ideas, and intuition and let it be smooth sailing from now on as you observe yourself disappear into the sun.

It’s almost like a meditation.


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Charlotte Ahern  |  Contribution: 1,040

author: Charlotte Ahern

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari