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May 13, 2020

5 of the Latest Event Technologies for Ground-breaking Events

It can be difficult to ensure that your event is a cut above the rest – people simply attend so many now. Using the latest event technologies can help to keep your guests engaged, no matter the type of events you’re hosting. Put some excitement into even the most corporate events with five of the latest event technology ideas from London venues and events expert, eve.

  1. Immersive presentations

Presentations are a bit of a necessary evil to many corporate events, but they don’t have to be boring. We’re a bit used to sitting in a large group at conferences and listening to an expert take everyone through a series of points – points which are probably of interest to you or your career, but that don’t engage you particularly well. There really is only so long that you can sit and listen to people talk at you – even if it is a subject that you’re really interested in.

It’s important to keep your guests engaged throughout, so immersive presentations can help to keep your delegates interested for longer and create more of a collaborate experience. Try live video mapping or camera technology to create more of a storytelling experience for your guests.

  1. LED drones

Of course, drones have been around for years – but they haven’t been used at events for long. Traditionally, drones are commonly used to capture interesting photographs at height but their capabilities are much more than that – using a drone can help you create some exciting and beautiful light displays around your guests – but you’ll need a large venue! They can even be used as flying decorative elements used to light up the sky – and it’s changeable throughout the event and can be controlled the whole time so you can easily achieve whichever look you’re going for at any point!

  1. Experiential Installations

The best way to be memorable is to create an experience for your guests. If you’re looking for a dramatic effect, the latest developments in sound and lighting technologies can be your greatest ally. Create something for all of the senses to produce an immersive and memorable experience for your guests which brings your theme, product or service to life.

  1. Skeletal mapping

Skeletal mapping is brand new (and completely mad!) and uses 3D cameras to capture the movements of people. This data is then used to control what happens on a screen, making it look as if you’re controlling content with movements of the body. It’s entirely interactive and very engaging – it works particularly well at large-scale events.

  1. Transparent screens

Available for use both inside and outside, transparent screens are becoming the new must-have at conferences, award ceremonies and festivals. They produce some incredible visual effects, are more environmentally-friendly, lightweight – and make guests feel like they’re in Avatar!

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