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May 12, 2020

A Covid19 reflection on Quarantine

We not done dealing with this coronavirus pandemic situation and I feel like this whole experience should have teache us a lesson and obviously no everyone is going to understand the lesson at the same time.. it’s probably not meant to be for everybody but I guess I was kinda hoping a little bit that it would touch many more people than it has .. I don’t know maybe I’m I’m just expecting too much or something but like we don’t supposed to go back to the old way ..that way that we was before all this happened..this experience that should change people’s life and it should make them think deeper and make them stop what they doing and change their lives for the better ..for the better of everything not just themselves and people are so cut up on themselves and self-centered that they don’t appreciate anything around them or anyone around them so if we go back to that then the lesson wasn’t enough?..or we just becoming  our own obstacle to grow and evolve?

.. so what do you think is going to happen next ?? ..because it needs to change..if it doesn’t change..then the mission is not completed.. we supposed to rise our vibration to the next level together so it will  allow us to  transform to a higher level of of existence.. but we human are tripping in this process of evolution at this time..obviously on a energetic and spiritual level,both.

If you reading this I feel like you ready to hear this..maybe you ready to find clarity or share this with someone who needs it.
Actually some of us did change but some of us haven’t and the fact that some of us change and then go back to the old way is what blows my mind that we realize it but then we go back to the old way..I mean I’m no claiming to be better than anybody else.. I’m not saying that.. but I strive for the good of everybody.. not just myself ..because I can’t make it just  by myself ..I think that’s what the message is.. no, I don’t think, I know it is, because it makes sense that way.

We have being so self-centered for so long .. that it has split  US to the point were we not functioning properly..we don’t know how to function any other way.

It’s not just about self. . it’s not going to work that way.. It never had and It never will be..We are ONE.

Basically that’s what it is ..I mean when we talk to people we realize that we feel sadness and we feel a bit of impotence.. because we can’t get inside of others .. we can’t change them.. we can only trust that something will happen and we hope that is nothing more difficult to deal with..that it will be positive..the thing is..we should not become the obstacle of obstruction in the process of this Divine mission.
I feel like this whole experience should have teaches Us A lessons and obviously not everybody’s going to get it…
Example let’s make a metaphor for this.. this person who won’t allow things to flow.. will trip on their own stagnation or resistance and fall and can’t play the game anymore ..they will be put out ..
what happens next?..
To be able to fulfill the mission we need it to take them out of the game or team.. to fix the game..right? It’s all divine manifestation..we can only make decisions on which part of the play we want to be part of.. but the results its same..and if you try to outsmart the Divine plan.. what happens? You will get kicked out.. just like on the Video Games.. there is one mission.. many characters to be played..but only one figure out the Game.

Being a team player/teammate is one of the biggest lessons in life.. that will help us in this mission of life..

The reason why that’s one of the biggest lessons in life is because at all levels we got to work as a team, as ONE team ! Because we are.

Example: when we
work with our body just as much as we work with our mind and with our fellows brothers and sisters,the animal kingdom,everything around us even the galaxies/planets/aliens we have to work with all of this too together as one Vessel.

When we have a conversation with someone who we care for and we see that nothing is changing on a literal level.. it makes us wonder.. but every one has it’s own time..we had our time, we can’t rush others .. We can only do but so much and it’s not even like it’s our job.. but because we care we try to be there for them..we can help by offering the info and letting them do the rest on their own time.. pray and trust the mission it’s complete and it will! We got to sit back and watch it manifest! Enjoy now!

Rhodenid Oyola-Jimenez

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