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May 30, 2020

Keyboard Warriors for Kindness – Make that a Movement

Dear haters,

I see you, hiding behind your keyboards, commenting snidely determined to rain on anyones parade who sticks their nose out for air. So what’s your deal? I write an article about freedom, liberation, slowing down and feeling better but you gotta find the bad in it. You say I have no right to have these thoughts and emotions because I haven’t suffered, I earn too much, I breathe your direction, well I simply exist it seems is too much for you.

I am sorry for your vitriol, I am sorry for your ‘glass half empty’, I am sorry for your pain.

What I am not sorry for is what you choose to make of my musings and do with it. This my keyboard friend is the only thing we have control over, our thoughts, feelings and eventual actions. You do you, but again I am sorry for your choices.

Yes I am educated, yes I have a job, yes I earn a good income, yes I have a family. I am not sorry for this. I am proud of my efforts, my conviction, my resilience, my self belief and determination. For 18 years I have worked as a Psychologist in private practice, a position of grace, honour and dignity where I hold peoples pain.  I know pain, I know the events, the traumas.

Please know there is a way forward, you do not need to hide behind your keys and spit your rage, your pain, your story in this way. You can be heard but you need to stop screaming.

Only you can take charge of you. There is always time. Don’t leave it to your death bed when you are scared and alone to die with regret.

Change the meaning you give to your circumstances. Be a survivor not a victim. Look back with pride at how you have overcome. You don’t need to stay stuck in your story.

#keyboard for kindness

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