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May 28, 2020

Grounding the Spiritual Process – What’s Going On?

I have been struggling a bit when it comes to defining spirituality, ever since I consciously started a path which is somewhat different compared to the paths of some other co-wanderers here on earth. Probably this path may be called spiritual, but no means it reflects the picture I held earlier about these kind of issues.

It all started when my own, formally very successful, life did not satisfy me at all any more. I quit from a well-paid global position and started an internal exploration trip. I did not know myself at all at that time. I was buried behind my job titles, ego trip and deep rooted beliefs about life and how it is supposed to be. I have studied many years the healing methods of the Andean indigenous people and gone myself also through a huge transformation process. I am overly interested and excited about the mind body connection and the power of the mind. I am still on this learning journey and enjoy every bit of it. My world view and thoughts about the meaning of life have changed completely during the last ten years. What does it mean then?

I have pondered that spirituality simply is the way of learning to listen to your soul. Being called spiritual may mean also that one has managed to downgrade the effect of the ego in a way that the feeling of separation, which we all are grown into, subsides, and that feeling is replaced with a feeling of being part of a larger entity called the universe and being totally unique in that beingness at the same time. That you and I  are beautiful creations and expression of the large.

I have been dreaming that I could define and even guide other people through the kind of revelation process described. I have a feeling that during this spring I have started gaining ways to express these things. I have studied many angles towards this topic and figured that ultimately they all twirl around same things.

Away from factory configurations

What does it take to be able to start listening and hearing the speech and signals of own soul? How to tap into intuition, unity, oneness and peace despite everything happening around?

In my opinion most crucial is the peeling and liberation from all learned and inhabited layers, which define how we are supposed to behave and be. What one thinks one has to or is obliged to do in order to gain something as a reward; or fulfil demanded criteria and receive acknowledgement and praise by being a good  and amiable person. Conditional love and the need to deserve love is deep rooted  programming in us. Could say it is almost race consciousness, that is how we are raised mostly in the world. We will do almost anything to feel that we are accepted and loved.

By becoming conscious and working on these patterns creates freedom. This requires getting acquainted with own thought patterns and belief  systems and getting to know own shadows. What are the deep issues within us that we by no means want to expose to anyone, so that we would not be laughed at, criticised at, feel ashamed or feel worthless, bad or non-lovable?

That which is hidden governs and leads us and we bend to the most amazing postures to cover it. We create strategies so these are not visible. This is our way to feel falsely safe and gain acceptance by not showing our internal mess. Our ego works well with this one as it always separates us from others. Ego always seeks differences. You are either minor, major or equal. When we realize we do not have to listen to the ego we take a big step forward. We can just be what we are and exist accepted as we are. And we do not have to earn the love from anybody, love is not conditional. We are love.  We are surrounded by love and we do not need to deserve it.

This kind of detachment from the learned ways of our “normal” society requires deep self-reflection, peace and time.  But after all this work, starting from defining our victimhood consciousness in any areas, grow to manifestation stage and even further to the connectedness and unity, we can start breathing more freely and see and feel our real self with love and acceptance.  And we are able to shine that outwards too, and this is when good things start to flow into our lives. Serendipities and synchronicities start happening. These are not coincidences but by universal laws drawn to us, reflecting what we are, what we have become. Unbelievable things start happening.  (These stories are endless, maybe in some other occasion about those).

Often part of this quest also is a huge need to clarify why we have been born to this world and what is the purpose of our life. I believe that we are an eternal soul in the physical body and we reincarnate time after time here on earth. The soul always chooses the circumstances in which it wants to be challenged and grow further. Anyway we all have unique beautiful qualifications and we find the meaning in life when we discover our gifts. The purpose of our life we discover when we find ways to give these out into the world, express them somehow outward to perhaps affect the world a bit, make it a bit better place for all.


As pondering on all this, I “by accident” looked up a book in my book shelf called The Revolution of Consciousness, written by Frank M. Wanderer. In this book he defines 6 logical steps how one detaches from the factory settings in life:

  1. Awakening: Becoming frustrated about own current dreams and life; questioning the achievements in terms of  money, authority, success or fame as the meaning for life.
  2. Using the mind in search of the spiritual side to life: looking up and hooking up on a level of mind and ego the “doings” for spirituality, like mindfulness, yoga, spiritual literature etc)
  3. Stopping the search: getting tired of trying to grasp the idea of the spiritual well-being as we feel that we cannot do it on a level of mind and it is all pointless.
  4. Internal journey: we start eliminating everything that does not feel good and right from inside (our soul). We feel we are alone. We still peel and extract from which we thought we were earlier.
  5. Bringing the internal journey to this moment: peace, quietness and tranquility as the state of being, despite the world surrounding us. This does not yet have to be the end of the quest.
  6. We return to where we started from. We are just totally different from what we were. We see things from a different perspective and internal peace. We are able to help people on this journey and enjoy life as it is showing to us.

This was a perfect declaration of the process and the steps I have journeyed the recent years. I was not able to make it chronological earlier.

Sometimes it is so helpful and revealing when somebody else verbalizes things that are just sneaking or finding their way into own consciousness. Hope I have been able to do that a little bit for you here.



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