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May 5, 2020

Must-Have At Home Gym Equipment

I always get so many questions about what equipment I would recommend buying that you can easily store at home to maximize your workouts.

Best Home Gym equipment

Having exercise equipment at home makes it easier to integrate your workouts! Here are some of my essential home fitness equipment.

Exercise/yoga mat

An exercise mat is something you will use a lot! It can give you comfort when doing floor exercises or stretching.

An exercise mat can make your recovery sessions more comfortable. It can also provide a non-slip surface, so you can perform exercises safely.

If your workout includes jumps (and my BBG workouts do!), A thicker exercise mat with the right technique can help reduce the impact on your joints.

When buying an exercise mat, think about how you will use it. A yoga mat is usually very thin but is easily portable.

A Pilates or exercise mat is usually much thicker. This means it is much more comfortable for abdominal exercises and stretching.

An exercise mat can also provide cushioning if you use weights indoors. When not in use, the mat can be rolled up and stored.

Look for a mat with a belt for easy transportation and storage. Another element to keep in mind is easy cleaning – you should clean your carpet once a week so makes sure it wipes easily.

Home gym


In my opinion, a bench at home is such an investment.

Many BBG women who train at home replace the benches with things like tables, stairs, and other stable household items that can safely support your body weight – it works great too.

However, having a bench is also great for exercises other than your usual pace. You can also use it for arm and abs exercises, which makes it super versatile.


Dumbbells are devices that you can use with almost any exercise. They are a great investment because they do not take up much space and can help make your resistance training more intensive.

My advice would be to buy 2 to 3 sets of different weights so you can use them for different exercises.

If you’re on a budget, don’t choose a set that feels super comfortable to use and hold. Instead, choose the ones that are a bit heavier to challenge yourself and increase your strength. After all, you only get stronger as you progress.

Fitness equipment

Skipping rope

I always get a lot of questions about how women can do cardio at home if they don’t have a treadmill or don’t want to walk out.

A skipping rope is a great solution to all these cardio woes because it allows you to quickly increase your heart rate and take up little space. You can use it for HIIT cardio training in the last weeks of my BBG program.

You can also use a jump rope for your warm-up or make it the center of your workout as I did in this jump rope workout.

Foam roller

A foam roller can help you recover from your workouts faster!

My BBG program has an active recovery session that I have to recommend to you weekly. The session includes stretching and rolling in foam.

The benefits of foam rollers include increased blood flow to your muscles and decreased muscle tone. Higher blood flow means that your muscles get more oxygen and nutrients, which promotes a faster recovery after exercise.

You can buy a foam roller at most sports stores. Use a foam roller with an exercise mat for your BBG recovery session.

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Start your home gym with this fitness equipment!

These are just some of my favorite home gym equipment. With these staples, you can create and follow many different training routines!

If you are just starting to exercise, you may not want to buy everything at once. If I only had to choose two of these machines, I would recommend buying an exercise mat and barbells.

These two things can help you have a great workout.

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