I sit awake unable to sleep. My mind is racing. It has been so long since I have been rendered sleepless like this.
I’m trying not to fight it this time. I sit quietly reading. Chasing away the “What if’s” with logic and love. There is no need to expend energy fretting over things which we can not control. At the moment, regardless of my knowing, this is a challenge. There is much happening around me that is out of my control and many things I am failing to understand, mostly others actions. Things aren’t adding up and they don’t make sense.
I find it so interesting how we often get so used to living in drama and emotional upheaval that we don’t know that there is another way. A lighter, more gentle way. It holds less distress, less illness and less pain. We are just so used to living in a holding pattern of upset that we choose for ourselves.
As my fingers fall onto the keys bringing my thoughts to words a wave of gratitude washes over me. I have chosen to shift my life in a different direction and for that I am grateful.
I choose my mental, emotional and physical health over all else
I choose me
Above patterned behavior, conditioning and the nagging call of old habits.
I choose me
This one life is the beautiful chance we each have to honor ourselves to the highest degree
And I choose to continue moving towards being a happier, healthier, more emotionally safe version of myself. Every. Damn, Day.
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