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It can be mind-numbingly aggravating when we begin to have that sinking, pinching, lurching feeling that we’re in the wrong relationship.
It’s so confusing and frightening that we soon start looking for answers from anything or anyone who can provide some.
Our therapist. Our best friend. The cashier at the supermarket. Our cat. The Google search bar. Elephant Journal articles.
We tell our therapist, “She’s not fulfilling my emotional needs and boundaries.”
We tell our best friend, “I just don’t really feel like f*cking him anymore.”
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We type into the Google search bar, “How do I know if I’ve fallen out of love?”
But there’s one exceedingly simple sign that gives us a pretty good chance of knowing what the answer is:
You’re reading this article.
Couples who are right for each other spend their time reading each other’s palms, shopping for Snuggies for Two, and having oral sex while eating a candlelit dinner and binge-watching Hugh Grant rom-coms. Or, at least, this is what I imagine them doing when I’m feeling particularly lonely and hostile.
(Okay, okay—yes. People who are right for each other also spend their time fighting and having long, tedious sexless spells. But you get my point.)
What they don’t do is spend minutes or hours or days begging Google to tell them if they’re with the right person.
So, if you’ve stuck with me through the end of this article, you’ve probably been asking yourself that same question.
And, well, there’s a pretty good chance that you already have your answer.
A couple other perspectives:
152 Words that made me Realize I was Staying for all the Wrong Reasons.
8 Signs you’re in a (healthy) Relationship with Someone who is Right for You.
18 Relationship Red Flags Every Woman Should Know.
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