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June 5, 2020

Are You Bothered?

With everything that is going on in the world today, it amazes me that people are bothered by three little words: Black Lives Matter. Once spoken, you are left to defend its importance and underlying meaning as if it isn’t explanatory enough. It makes people extremely uncomfortable for whatever reason. Why is it that blacks have to fight so hard for something so simple? This saying does not negate the importance of other races. It is us simply making others aware that we have been treated as less than. Although it is a well-known fact from slavery days, there are those who still choose to turn a blind eye or convince themselves that no such thing occurs. Despite viewing the mass recordings of black men, women and children dying at the hands of those who have sworn to protect and serve us ALL, they still find a way to justify ill actions of others. Too often, people of color are left to defend themselves after death. Their past seems to resurface. Regardless to guilt or innocence, people begin to draw their own interpretation of what that individual could have done differently to prevent his/her demise. As if being unarmed, restrained, face down on the ground and handcuffed aren’t enough. Go figure. Negative images surface on the news and various social media platforms. All in an attempt to paint the deceased in an ill light. Mission accomplished. I have often wondered why that is. Although that’s a rhetorical question. If we were to see family photos or those depicting a person of good character, it is likely to make us empathetic for that person whose life was lost. On the other hand, it brings about doubt in our mind regarding the individual whose actions led to such. Can’t let that happen. So, it’s easier to act as though it was deserving.

The first counterargument to “Black Lives Matter” seems to be: well what about blacks killing one another? That is not something we take lightly. There are protests against that as well and many local activists on the front lines attempting to improve those situations. Another one is I guess it only warrants a protest when blacks are killed by whites. Well, actually this isn’t a black against white thing. It’s a black against police brutality, abuse of power, inequality issue. There are crooked cops of color also. Just the fact that there are so many who attempt to incite an argument is mind boggling. My all-time favorite is: ALL lives matter and Blue Lives Matter. Here’s the thing, a cop takes their badge off at the end of their shift and goes home. If you are not familiar with them as a person in law enforcement, they are viewed as just another citizen. Come to think of it, it’s a video that was trending just this week about cops attempting to arrest a Black FBI agent. They saw him as just another black man. In regard to the ALL lives matter people, when have we said ONLY Black Lives Matter? Never have we asked to be viewed as superior to any other nor do we act as such. We simply want to be treated fairly. Why is it acceptable to have two individuals (Chase Legleitner & Lamar Lloyd) charged with the same crime (Armed Robbery), in the same courtroom, in front of the same judge (Bauer) yet yield different results? Now you may be thinking, “well what about their history?” Glad you asked. They both had a single misdemeanor. Do you want to guess what their sentencing was? Chase obtained a 2-year sentence in county jail whereas Lloyd received 26 years in prison. How does that make you feel? Despite what you want to tell yourself, race was the deciding factor. A bias that none who are in a position to uphold the law should possess.

Now, to those who are still convinced that every black life lost was due to actions on behalf of the deceased. I have broken down your arguments below. You decide for yourself.

Argument: If they were peaceful this would not have happened! – Dr. King

Argument: They should not have resisted arrest! – Botham Jean/Breonna Taylor

If you are one of those who needs more facts regarding racism towards blacks, what do you say about these:

Central Park 5, BBQ Becky, Permit Patty, Cornerstore Caroline and more recently the birdwatcher who had police called on him for asking a white woman to put her dog on a leash which complied with the rules for that area of the park

Is it just me or should blacks be the ones that are fearful? We cannot enjoy everyday activities, relax in the comfort of our own homes, go jogging, drive a car…the list goes on.

Black have never killed another black for simply being black. The talks that Black parents must have with their children probably never cross the minds of other races. How do you tell your child that there are simply who simply will not take too kind to them simply because of the color of their skin? Our ancestors have marched against this since the beginning of time. So much so to where we can feel the pain in the soles of our feet.

So, the next time you begin to say that blacks are argumentative, angry, aggressive and the like…. ask yourself how you would respond or react to everyday systematic racism? How much can you really expect someone to take? Everyone has their limits. You can only push a person in a corner so long until they come out swinging. If you are not ready, willing or able to unite in this fight with us, then continue to sit idly by on the sidelines. However, don’t be so quick to speak on a house that you do not reside in.

As I end this writing, I just want to ask a two-part question: Are you bothered when you hear the words “Black Lives Matter” and if so, why?



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