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June 11, 2020


Everyone knows the importance of living a balanced lifestyle. When we are balanced, we are more able to deal with the eventualities of life and can find appropriate ways to cope with stress, deal with uncertainty, and stabilize our moods and emotions. If we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed by, let’s say stress, we find ourselves in a challenging position where we are not only mentally compromised, but our physical bodies will become compromised too. Hence, the importance of balance in one’s life, and finding ways to improve your balance, is something we should aim for.

Your yoga practice can help you achieve a balanced life in more ways than one. Not only will practicing yoga help stabilize your mood, emotions, stress, and mind, but by physically practicing balancing poses in yoga, we can improve our physical health and well-being also. We’ve got a suggestion below which you can try at home today!

VRIKSHASANA (Tree pose) – Stand tall with one foot planted firmly in the ground. Feel into all four corners of the standing foot. Bring the other foot to rest on the inside of the calf or thigh, pressing your leg into your foot and your foot into your leg. Bring the hands together at heart center, or gently extend them overhead. Now, as you find your balance here, think about extending up through the spine, through the crown of the head, and find an upwards current of energy. Try to notice this feeling of lift and become aware of all the micro-movements your ankle and foot make as you stabilize yourself. Feel yourself balancing. Inhale deeply and cultivate balance; literally and metaphorically.

Sometimes in life we find ourselves out of balance because of work, social, and home commitments; so much so that we forget to carve our time for ourselves. To cultivate balance through your yoga practice means you are dedicating time to yourself and making yourself and your well being a priority. It can be an hour a week, two hours a week, 30 minutes every day, whatever you decide and whatever you can commit to, this are your sacred time. This is time just for you. In these moments on the yoga mat, you’re not thinking about work, your commute, and the kids, the shopping, etc. You are taking the time to be with yourself, stretch your muscles, release any stagnant energy, and reset the balance. Often, we give so much of ourselves to others through work, social, and family commitments that we neglect that one-on-one time to just be with ourselves. Well, your yoga practice is where you can start bringing this back into balance. So, make your commitment, and stick to it. Because when you can bring more balance into your own life, it not only benefits your own well-being, but you’ll find you can be more present and more able to assist those around you as well.

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