June 5, 2020

Elephant’s (Free) Community Gathering—June.

Every Friday, we take a step back from the rush of everyday life and connect with Mindful Community.

Over 8,000 good humans join us every Friday from dozens of countries and cities and towns and middle-of-nowheres from all around our world: Boulder, Minneapolis, São Paulo, Madrid, Edinburgh, Brisbane, Delhi, Jakarta, Dawson City, Bangkok, Copenhagen…

Show up for yourself. Show up for each other. Show up if so inspired.

And if you can’t show up live, we’ve got the video replays here for you to enjoy after the fact:

Friday, June 5, 2020: Anti-Racism: Jane Elliott educates Waylon & 8,000 Elephant Readers (& you!)

Comments from some of our Mindful Readers during the event: 

  • “My young daughters are watching and this is invaluable information for them!” ~ Erin
  • “This is the best fierce grandma energy I’ve ever seen.” ~ Alexis 
  • “I can’t take notes fast enough. This is fantastic.” ~ Brittany 
  • “Jane and Waylon, thank you for ripping my heart open in the best possible way.” ~ Julie

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. If you Know you aren’t Racist, watch this Blue-Eyed, Brown-Eyed Test.
  2. Read why you’re Basically Good.
  3. The world isn’t even close to what you think it looks like.
  4. I am Black. This is what I Need (& what I Don’t) from White Allies.
  5. Hey America, I Can’t Breathe.
  6. No Justice, No Peace. ~ Kit Shelton
  7. “If you think the country changed overnight, you haven’t been paying attention.”

Suggested Reading from our Guest, Jane Elliot

  • From National Geographic‘s April 2018 issue:These Twins Will Make You Rethink Race
  • The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America, Richard Rothstein
  • When at Times the Mob Is Swayed: A Citizen’s Guide to Defending Our Republic, Burt Neuborne
  • The Medium is the Message, Marshall McLuhan

*Shop local, not Amazon.

If you appreciated the talk with Jane, please subscribe—without subscriptions, we can’t continue to work for you.

Another way to support Elephant—support yourself. Go deeper, with Elephant Academy.

Friday, June 12, 2020: Waylon’s Weekly Gathering⁠—a Writing Exercise on Anti-Racism.

Comments from some of our Mindful Readers during the event: 

  • “Thanks for another real and truthful Friday.” ~ Bethan
  • “Because of you, I am ordering books from [an] independent book store.” ~ Kristen
  • “Thank you for reminding us that we need to support those things we enjoy.” ~ LAiA
  • “My post is live….wow.” ~ Laura 
  • “Thank you. As a white woman, I’ve been thinking it’s time to listen not to speak⁠—but I needed to write too.” ~ Kathryn 

The weekly mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. The world isn’t even close to what you think it looks like.
  2. “If America hasn’t broken your heart, you don’t love her enough.” ~ Senator Cory Booker
  3. How to Wake Up. ~ Waylon Lewis
  4. The Best, Basic, Classic Meditation Instruction for resting our Mind in the Present Moment.

Friday, June 12, 2020: Senator Cory Booker with Waylon: How we make real Change.

Comments from some of our Mindful Readers during the event: 

  • “…can’t wait to share this!!” ~ Tanya
  • “I’m feeling hopeful, realistic, and galvanized as a result of this session. THANK YOU.” ~ Julie
  • “Feeling really wonderful… this was a joy.” ~ Barbara
  • “Thank you!! I feel hopeful again.” ~ Dean
  • “A-MA-ZING interview by both of you. Thank you SO much for offering a substantive conversation!” ~ Suzanne

The mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. “If America hasn’t broken your heart, you don’t love her enough.” ~ Senator Cory Booker
  2. 5 Tips for Making the Vegan Transition & Recipes to Get you Started. 
  3. Things I wish I’d Known Before Going Vegan.
  4. Jane Elliott: If you Know you aren’t Racist, watch this Blue-Eyed, Brown-Eyed Test.
  5. Walk the Talk Show: Joan Halifax Roshi: How to Balance Inner Work & Outer Social Activism.
  6. Brené Brown on Empathy: How we’re Showing Up in all the Wrong ways for those we Love.
  7. Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.
  8. When Things Fall Apart: My Favorite Pema Chödrön Quotes.

If you appreciated the talk with Senator Cory Booker, please subscribe and help support independent media—without subscriptions, we can’t continue to work for you.

Another way to support Elephant—support yourself. Go deeper, with Elephant Academy.

Friday, June 19, 2020: Protect the Gap!

“You are the sky. Everything else–it’s just the weather.” ~ Pema Chödrön

On letting go of Entertainment, reconnecting with Basic Goodness, gaining Empathy as the root of Helpful Activism.

Your Homework: do Nothing.

The mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Why being Late is a sign of Mindfulness, not Laziness.
  2. Video: Death comes without Warning.
  3. Read why you’re Basically Good.
  4. Pretty much my favorite Buddhist quote ever.
  5. I am Black. This is what I Need (& what I Don’t) from White Allies.
  6. “If America hasn’t broken your heart, you don’t love her enough.” ~ Senator Cory Booker
  7. The Buddhist Rule about Worrying.
  8. Jane Elliott: If you Know you aren’t Racist, watch this Blue-Eyed, Brown-Eyed Test.
  9. Your Soulmate Isn’t Who You Think It Is.
  10. 10 “Bad” Things that Can Be Good If You Practice Them Mindfully.

Friday, June 26, 2020: How you can Share things in a Way that actually Changes our World, grows Community.

The mindful round-up of articles mentioned in the meeting:

  1. Why being Late is a sign of Mindfulness, not Laziness.
  2. Read why you’re Basically Good.
  3. The Buddhist View of Loneliness as a Good Thing.
  4. 5 Tips for Making the Vegan Transition & Recipes to Get you Started.
  5. Things I wish I’d Known Before Going Vegan.
  6. Vegan Tuna Salad: A Cool Recipe for a Hot Day.
  7. Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.

Bonus: Waylon recommended a book for our hearts in these uncertain times. If so inspired, try to seek out a used copy of Pema Chodron’s, When Things Fall Apart, or do your best to support a local or independent bookstore near you. Find quotes from the book inside the article When Things Fall Apart: My Favorite Pema Chödrön Quotes for Quarantine.

Our Friday Gatherings are free to join, but you have to register below. Enroll in an Elephant Academy course before Friday, and you can join Elephant Camp too, free. Learn more about Elephant Camp.

Register for next week’s event, here:

Friday, July 3, 2020: Save the date!

powered by Crowdcast

Submit your questions ahead of time in the Ask A Question section of the event.

Elephant is that rare species: we’re indie, mission-driven media. And we’re big! With 10 million Facebook fans on 60 pages, 750K on five accounts on Instagram, & millions of caring, troublemaking readers a month, our goal is, together, to be of benefit.

Find previous months of Gathering replays, including May.

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