June 18, 2020

Get this Evil, Delusional Mess of a President Out.

What I know for sure is…Trump is still president, y’all.

In the past six months (nevermind the past three and a half years), his own negligence and denial, and his bully pulpit “revolving door” administration, have effectively shut us down on many levels large and small. There’s a mess to clean up under every rug and behind every door.

We continue to be disgruntled on our best day, and divided on our worst. We do not stand united. Instead, we stand dismantled.

World leaders (and his own appointees, including military generals and former National Security Advisor, John Bolton) have openly denounced President Trump because he continues to live in a fantasy, “TV-land” kind of world, where delusional narratives are manipulated, gratification is instant, and outcomes are scripted. His approach involves a blanket projection first, followed by deflection. He sprinkles everything with false information while toting an upside-down bible (how symbolic) before (when all else fails) crying “victimhood” when backlash erupts.

It’s who he is, and it’s who he has always been. 

In the past several months, as our nation completely boils over, and as we “come together” in another watershed moment in our history, seeking liberty, justice, reform, and authentic progress via policy change for marginalized people, the president chooses to hide in a bunker; ramble and fumble his way through an ill-advised Republican Convention date and location; and lie, as usual, to the American people about the COVID-19 numbers, downplaying the havoc it’s currently wreaking across the country.

There are spikes everywhere. The death toll continues to climb. In recent weeks, he has repeatedly resorted to tired, old “blame-game” tricks; nasty hate speak; and a staged photo op for the sole purpose of pandering to his blind faith base.

Instead of empathy, we get fascist threats.

Instead of accurate information during a worldwide health crisis, we get economy pep talks and falsehoods.

Instead of connecting with people in pain, he connects with himself first and foremost, pleasurably, on a private, gated golf course.

Instead of championing and protecting some of the constitutional freedoms that make America great—protest, speech, press, assembly—his defiance, ignorance, and apathy make these freedoms more fragile and closer to extinction than I ever thought possible.

Or so it seems.

Are you tired like me? Isn’t it time to take our beautiful country back? Isn’t it time to “really” be part of the solution? Isn’t it time to walk all our big, bold talk on guns, inequality, environment, and wealth gaps?

In just a few short months, we can change the trajectory of our country with our vote. I know for sure that this is the most important vote of my lifetime. I know, for sure, that it’s the most important vote in yours too, even if you’re 100 years old.

If you’re like me, you’re feeling disconnected from humanity. We’ll be wearing our masks and keeping our distance well into the future. Currently, we are mourning well over 110,000 lives lost (and counting) to COVID-19. We are processing rage, mixed with fear, coupled with sadness.


Hope is still alive, because hope is the thing that fights.

Joe Biden is not my first choice for president. Yet here we are. It’s June, 2020. November is but a blink away.

My belief is that Joe Biden is a “tourniquet president.” He’ll serve nobly for four years and then bow out gracefully. He can “right” some of the wrongs, unify a bleeding country, bandage the open sores as best he can, and then pass the torch to a more progressive thinker. Hopefully he’ll find someone with integrity, vision, and character as his VP pick, someone we can feel good about voting for in 2024. We must keep the House and flip the Senate. No easy task.

From the USAGov website:

“Your state’s rules and voting dates may change in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most states have early voting. This lets registered voters vote on specified dates before Election Day. You don’t need an excuse to vote early. In some states, you may cast an absentee ballot in person before Election Day. To do this, you must request an absentee ballot from your state. Your state may require you to submit a valid excuse.”

Write your state reps, asking them to address the presidential election amid COVID-19 and other voter concerns. Our votes must be heard and counted. Here’s the link to find your state reps: Find your state rep.

Biden is the only choice. This November, I am voting to remove Trump. Make sure you’re registered. Make sure you know where you’re voting. Make sure your adult kids are registered. Go door-to-door. Offer a ride to the polls. Do whatever it takes.

Yes, Trump is still president—but not for long. We can change it.

Biden is the “bridge” we need to move to the other side, away from the fresh hell of the past four years, and into an era that will surely define our country as “great again,” because, looking back, we will know that we, the people, courageously saved ourselves.

We can save ourselves with the one freedom that trumps Donald Trump: our vote.

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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 156,465

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: geralt/Pixabay

Editor: Kelsey Michal