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June 8, 2020

Human beings of Earth!! Do you even know what you are fighting for!?

Human beings of Earth!!
Do you even know what you are fighting for!?

What is it you WANT!?
Peace? Justice? Equal Rights?
For who!?
Men? Women? Animals?

Here we are,
a floating blue orb,
full of wonders to behold.
A speckle of organic matter,
In a vast, magnificent ocean of unknowable universe.

A planet flowing with people of so many colors, so many ideas!
Such outrageous and majestic animals to discover!
Fauna and floura galore!
So many thing we could do! See! Explore!

And look.
Look where were are.
Battling battles, within battles, within a system of hate, greed, chaos that only feeds the fight.
A system we allowed to take root.

We are fighting to EXIST!
How absurd is that!?

Human beings of Earth!!!
What are you fighting for!?
Do you even know!?
I see, I watch, I listen. I understand.

I see hate, anger, frustration and lack of understanding against your fellow human being.

I watch as good intentions are used for evil deeds and destruction against your fellow human beings.

I listen as words are twisted and used to cause confusion and anger within your fellow human beings.

I understand that only together, as one, as an entire planet! can the damage suffered as a whole begin to heal.

We cannot divide up these battles we face!
For they are ALL caused by the same things.
What are you fighting for!?!

This is not about politics,
Not about race
Not about social injustice.

Not anymore.

We now fight for our rights as human beings to EXIST!
To be Heard!
To be Seen!

To do this we must take responsibility.

We have allowed a sick, twisted, demented system take hold of our planet.

We have let greed and hate entwine itself into every piece of our existence.

We as human beings have allowed our fellow man to fall to such terrible depths.

We must see ALL our faults.
We must recognize them.
Then we must fight to fix them!

Fight for it ALL!
We only have ourselves!
No one is going to come save us!
There is no magical cure!

We must tear open the wounds,
To revel the true damage and rot that has festered and destroyed our planet.

You want to fight!?

Fight for you! Your family!
Fight for equal rights!
Fight mental illness
Fight police brutality!
Fight animal cruelty!
Fight Pollution!
Fight sex trafficking!
Fight for the rhinos!
Fight for the rainforest!
Fight for your home!
Fight for the platypus!
Fight for your right!
Fight for it ALL!
For everything!
Do not let these battles divide us!
We are ALL HERE!
Every one of these battles affects us ALL!

As Human Beings of Earth it is our responsibility to fight to EXIST!

I must say it is about time.

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