Who am I, I wonder. I keep asking myself that question.
Am I my feelings? my thoughts? my rules? my joyful moments or my worst? my success or my failure? Am I an image? A character? or am I my body, my organs? Am I my wishes or my past experiences? Am I what I lose or am I what I gain? Am I hope or am I doubt? or am I everything in between?
Who am I? Who are we? Am I only me or am I all of humanity? Am I the poor or am I the rich? Am I me or am I you?
I know myself, or so I think because I feel myself within. But when I see you, hear you and feel you, am I you for that instant too?
After I leave, I keep thinking about you. I try to find ways to help you that always reflect the help that I need. So, are we the same or are we different? are we one or are we many?
I don´t know how or when will I truly know who I am….but for now I embrace the unknown while loving me and loving you.
I hide in the shadow to find the light. I express when I find a new ray.
If that ray is clear and clean or if it is still shadowed, we will see.
But for now, that ray is my present and I cherish every moment of it.
However, the search to discover who I truly am will continue for my biggest desire has always been peace and I am certain of one thing…when I find out who I am I will also have found you.
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