June 9, 2020

Support Black Businesses (And).

Watch an anti-racism training hour with Jane Elliott talking with Waylon Lewis of Elephant, here.


It’s vital to support black businesses.

As a woman, I have watched or heard, as many other women have, about the movement for more women in positions of power. When Hillary Clinton was up for office, I heard many women my age make claims they had voted for her with little knowledge of what she stood for. Were people really making such a big decision based off of the gender of the candidates?

This didn’t seem quite right to me.

Regardless of gender or race, we should always be choosing the option that seems the most kind.

Today, the movement is to support black businesses.

Support businesses because they are good.

Support people because they are good.

Support each other with love and equality.

But don’t support something solely because of someone’s gender or race.

This is not equality, or a way to move forward.

Support black businesses and owners because you love what they stand for, who they are, what they offer. Support them wholeheartedly—now, more than ever, given that Amazon is taking over.

Support love; support kindness.

And spread that love and kindness.

That is the way.


Here’s a list of 125 Black-owned book stores. 

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Kelly Peters  |  Contribution: 310

author: Kelly Peters

Image: Christina Morillo/Pexels

Editor: Marisa Zocco