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June 11, 2020

Twin Flame Separation

What it’s Really About and How You Can Work Through it

There’s a reason and purpose behind Twin Flame physical separation. The reason I say physical separation is because you’re never really separate and apart from your Twin Flame in the spiritual or 5D realm.

Your Twin Flame’s higher self is always with you and guiding you on what steps to take while you’re in physical separation. That’s what all the signs and synchronicities are about. They’re showing you what to focus on in order to find your way back to one another.

Twin Flame physical separation is however the most painful experience because you’re not meant to be apart from your Twin Flame. That time is truly meant to be temporary.


What Causes Twin Flame Separation?

(1) The Triggers

When Twin Flames are in a lower vibration, the triggers can get intense. A lower vibration means you lack confidence in yourself, your Twin Flame, and your relationship with them. You doubt the connection and worry about it. You put stress energy into your bond.

You expect your Twin Flame to be and act a certain way or do and say certain things and when they don’t, you get triggered. These triggers are meant to send you into a moment of self-reflection, self-care and self-love.

That’s where the Twin Flame separation comes in because you can’t do that type of deep reflection in an environment where you’re highly triggered. And remember, no one can trigger you like your Twin Flame because they’re your soul’s mirror. They’re showing you all the areas where you’re lacking that self-belief and self-love.

It’s important here to take a step back from your Twin Flame for a time so that you can clear your energy and see what thoughts, beliefs and expectations you’ve been focusing on in order to cause such triggers.

Once you’ve cleared the ego traits that caused the triggers, you will find your way back to love and your intuition will guide you both back together again in a loving way.

(2) Raising Standards

Another reason why Twin Flame Separation occurs is because your Twin Flame is unconsciously trying to show you where in your life you need to raise your standards. That means with your Twin Flame, your friends and family, and also with your job and co-workers.

It’s important here to be nurturing with yourself because you’re just learning that you need a new or higher standard. If the experience with your Twin Flame hadn’t happened, you may not have known there was a need for one.

Your Twin Flame is always teaching you to put your own needs first. To be unconditionally loving to yourself first. And if they sense that you’re lowering the bar for them, you will find yourselves spending time in physical separation so that you attract a better version of your relationship.

For example, if your desire is to have a loving reciprocal relationship with your Twin Flame, but you keep accepting casual communication or contact, then you’ll find yourself either being ghosted by your Twin Flame or having choppy communication with them. That’s their unconscious way of having you stick to your true desires and standards.

It’s important to stay consistent with your Twin Flame. To stay focused on what you truly desire out of your relationship and to continue to raise the bar.

Additionally, if, for example, you feel disrespected by your Twin Flame, this may cause you to pull back from them in the physical and it will also help you to identify other relationships in your life where you’ve felt disrespected. So again, this is meant to teach you to take a good look at all of your relationships and see where you need to raise the bar.

(3) Passion Project

Another reason you may find yourself in physical separation from your Twin Flame is when Spirit is guiding you to focus on yourself and your life purpose.

There is something that needs to be up-leveled or achieved with respect to your passion project and Spirit knows that you can’t or won’t do that if your entire focus is on your Twin Flame.

If you haven’t started or fully stepped into your passion project, then Spirit will put your Twin Flame relationship on hold until you do. Your self-confidence is tied to your passion project.

A lot of Twin Flames will lose focus of their own goals and passions and instead spend time focusing on their Twin Flame’s wants and needs or other people’s wants and needs and this is a major no-no for the Twin Flame relationship.

Your relationship with your Twin Flame is tied to your Life Purpose or Passion Project I call it. You have to give both areas time, attention and energy.

Your Passion Project is a reflection of the authentic you, so if you’re not in line with it, then you’re not being your authentic self. And if you’re not being your authentic self, the Twin Flame relationship will be stalled until you do.

The reason I call it a Passion Project is because your life purpose is truly to love and be loved. So when you’re doing any activity, job, career that you love and are passionate about, that’s really when you find your true purpose. And your passions will change as you learn, grow and transform!

So if you’re finding yourself in Twin Flame physical separation, take a good look at your passions and career. Are you loving what you do? Are you spending time being creative? Are you finding fulfillment in your career? Are you excited about where it’s at and where it’s heading.

You don’t have to be fully up and running in your Passion Project to be with your Twin Flame in the physical, but you do need to be taking action steps towards it every day. That’s part of the self-love and self-care that this journey is about.


The Path out of Separation

After you’ve identified which one of the above scenarios applies to you, take time to really look within and see where you’ve been neglecting yourself and your own passions and needs.

The more you focus on being your true authentic self in all of your relationships, you’ll start to see a shift in your Twin Flame relationship. The more time you spend on positive thoughts and energy towards yourself and others, you’ll start to see a shift in your Twin Flame relationship.

It all stems from you and it’s all within your control to change. If you want to transform your Twin Flame relationship, you really have to commit to your own happiness and transformation. There is no other way around it!

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