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June 11, 2020

Twin Flame Union

The Path to Twin Flame Union and How to Achieve it

It’s the ULTIMATE goal. It’s the ULTIMATE achievement on your journey. The key word being “your”. This is YOUR journey. This is all about you and the sooner you understand that, the sooner you achieve Twin Flame Union with your partner.


What is Twin Flame Union?

Twin Flame Union is harmony and balance within yourself and with your Twin Flame. Dating your Twin Flame or being married to your Twin Flame does not automatically equal “Union”.

There are many Twin Flames who come together and either stay together or separate for a time being because they haven’t achieved that Union within. Their connection can be filled with triggers and low vibrational energies of anger, resentment, sadness, jealousy and distrust. They can stay at this level for long periods of time if neither party chooses to find that alignment within.

The “Union” I refer to is a healthy committed relationship with your Twin Flame. It’s where you love, respect and honor one another’s feelings, emotions, passions and interests. There’s open and honest communication between the two of you. You challenge and complement one another in a healthy, balanced way. You appreciate and accept your differences. You learn from one another.


Union Starts With You

You can’t attract something into your life that you don’t already have. Like attracts like. Love attracts love. Union within attracts that healthy Union with your Twin Flame. A lot of Twin Flames make the mistake of looking outwards first for the love they seek. They look for it in others or in jobs or material items. They numb out and lose alignment when they’re unable to find it. They get stuck in this downward spiral and pattern for a while. The goal is to not get lost here.

Union is finding that peace and love within. It means honoring your emotions (the full range of them) and your needs. It means loving your shadow side as much as you love the light within. Union means loving, accepting and approving of yourself and not looking to others for that fulfillment. It means loving your past and your present enough to create a brighter future.

When you’re able to find that love and compassion within, you’re able to give it to others unconditionally. You’re able to love your Twin Flame unconditionally. You’re able to see past the triggers and see your Twin Flame as the beautiful soul that they are. You don’t take their words and actions personally. You honor their journey because you’ve learned to honor your own.


The Ultimate Goal and Achievement

The reason why finding that Union within is the ultimate goal and achievement is because once you do, everything else in your life falls into place. You find freedom from attachment to others. You find freedom from that need or fix that you get from your Twin Flame. You find freedom from your unhealthy thoughts and patterns. You find freedom.

When you find that freedom, you learn what unconditional love truly means. You’re not triggered by others in the same way. You’re not attached to timing and outcomes. You live life in a flow and ease. Everything just works out for you.

You’re able to pursue your passions and dreams with excitement and adventure. You’re able to love your life and your Twin Flame fully. You respect yourself and others. You’re confident in yourself and your choices. You trust yourself and your choices.

Life is rosier when you achieve that Union within. There’s no more back and forth between you and your Twin Flame. There’s no ghosting or separation. That doesn’t exist any longer because again, like attracts like.  You can’t attract ghosting and separation when you’re in Union. Union by definition means coming together.

So choose to make “Union” your goal. That’s how you transform your life. That’s how you transform your relationship with your Twin Flame. That’s how you achieve all your desires. That’s how you achieve your Happy. It’s the greatest gift and blessing you can give to yourself.

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