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June 8, 2020

“What do you think about what is going on?”

I have had so many people ask me, “what do you think about what is going on?”

I think, “what is going on?”

I grew up in a tiny ass Montana town.
White parents, black kid….
I think that should set the stage for the issues I dealt with.
Way too young I realized the issues I dealt with were passed down. That kids did not understand. These memories of being judged for something I had no control over.

I came home from school one day, not having been there long, a new kid, in a new place.
I asked my mom, “what does nigger mean?”
She said, “it means they want you to punch them in the face as hard as you can.”
I realized it was a term of hate.
Why would I fight hate with hate?
So I never fought back. I mostly ignored them. They did not know me. Even tho it hurt, made me angry.
There was a time when it came to that.
To defend myself with violence.

I had no other choice.

I think now, “I had no other choice.”

Too young I had to develop thick skin.
To try to defend myself. Usually to no avail.

Or I would be punished for defending myself.
Do they even realize what they are doing?

I sometimes find myself wondering if some of them remember those terrible words they said when we were so young.

As time passed; those same people became my friends. Some my best friends.
Do they remember? Do I care if they remember?

I grew up in a tiny town.
The town ended up growing with me.
Finally see me for who I was,

Totally weird!!!
I was weird.
I dressed weird,
my friends were weird.
My life was weird!!!
I am still weird.

No longer judged for my color, but who I was. Weird.

It holds true I am still judged for the color of my skin
Here and there
but I don’t fucking care.
I am who I am and the rest is history.

Do you know what I AM judged for now?

My piercings, tattoos, friends, hairstyle, education, lifestyle, my views, family, choices.

So they ask me, “what do you think about what is going on”

Honestly!? I think,
“What is going on!? You know what is going on!? “

Homelessness, murder, rape, drug addiction, natural disasters, mass extinctions, climate change (natural or not), infertility, war, police brutality, gangs, Sex trafficking, race crime, mental illness and the list goes on!!!! O it goes on. And on.

They all affect me. The ones I love.
This world I love!!

What do I think!?
I want Justice!!
Don’t you!?

I want to stand up and fight for it ALL!!
For ALL that EXISTS!!

I want good to prevail!! Love to prevail!!
Over everything!

I can not pick and choose what to fight for!!
I have battled too many of these battles,

I will not pick just ONE!

I want to defend all existence!

Look around you!?
There is injustice in every fiber of the blanket we call society.
The entire planet as a whole suffers being engulfed by this toxic blanket.

The world has had enough!!
We are all tired and hungry and in pain.

I think,
“Time to fight for our right to EXIST!!
To be human!
I want Justice for ALL!!

That is what I think about what is going on

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