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July 5, 2020

Bali And Other Fab Things ✨

Bali. Bali. Bali. This island in Indonesia owns my heart, I’ve never visited but I will in the future. On my “sister wives trip” lmao, it’s great to talk about things and laugh with your friends. Sure this trip is about 27 hrs…that’s a long time in the sky, but the clouds will be my compass. I know that it’s a feasible goal to save for especially now that travel is restricted. Covid was our reset in the world and I fully embrace what I’ve gained during this time. Truth be told I’m afraid of planes, and heights because I have vertigo. So I’m going to look into ways while the world is still quiet to quell that. Life awaits me when I step out of my fears and into my new reality.

That new reality is one of someone who has truly healed from the inside out. It took years to get to this point, and it’s something I’m still proud of. I once weighed over 300+ lbs and could barely move. How do I get that big you must be asking, well my Mom dying had a lot to do with it. Binge and stress eating were another, and with being faced with eating something healthy or not, I made poor decisions. The other reason was my PCOS, it flared up something ugly and my body couldn’t handle it, my periods became so painful and I didn’t like who I was becoming. Losing control of how to help your body is probably the worst experience I’ve ever gone through, besides losing my Mom.

This was a battle that went back and forth for the next four years, I did shakes and exercises and the weight would come off. That became too expensive so I stopped, when I did I didn’t maintain the weight loss. Back to square one, and this time it meant going to the Doctor. Besides the weight gain I was having other issues, my very large chest, migraines that are genetic and finally discovered my thyroid problem. Focusing on that instead of just saying you are fat, was a relief. She put me on birth control and migraine meds. This treatment lasted a couple of years and the pounds through walking, the gym and healthy eating came off.

Two and a half years ago, I got married. While I fit into my dress, I feel that if I looked like what I am now, I would have been more comfortable as a person. I’ve spent the last two years trying to figure out who I was as a person. I felt lost, I had a job I enjoyed, friends, a husband and yet something was still missing. I didn’t feel like myself. Last year I got tired of what I was seeing in the mirror and said “time to reinvent who you are”. No that doesn’t mean finding a different personality, that means tapping into what you were meant to be.

I signed up for the gym, I was going 4 times a week and added weight training to the mix. I started to slowly see a difference, and then I started running and walking again, every single day ran or shine. Eliminating trash from my diet and having only 1 or 2 cheat days. I upped my water intake to 2 gallons a day, took my vitamins and protein shakes. This time I was going to take this seriously, I have one body and it’s my temple. I then brought more home workouts into the mix. Finally I decided to do Keto, and before you say oh another person pushing it, it’s not that. I do what works for my body and mine only no agenda behind it.

The weight started to melt off, and I was wearing clothes that hadn’t fit in years. My face was less round and my waist was finally slimming out. Years of neglecting my body have been reversed. The last key to the puzzle was IF, or Intermittent Fasting. This has taught me so much discipline in what I do during the days and having more control over my eating habits. Without that and my app I would be still stuffing my face late at night watching Netflix lol. Instead I’m sleeping my last meal is around 8pm, and I’m perfectly okay with that. This year I reached my goal weight of 100 lbs lost and I’m now in the maintenance phase.

Trust me when say it’s not always the easiest thing to do. There are days when yes I have desserts like Tiramisu, but I also trade off with an hr of exercise that day/night. I’m not willing to go backwards in my journey, full speed ahead. I am proud of the body I have rebuilt, and will never put it in that position again. Current favorite workout: Chloe Tings 2 week shred on YouTube, look her up it’s free and the results are there.

Finally what about the other part of me that completely did a 360? My mental and spiritual growth. That was something I truly had to re-evaluate for awhile to get to the bottom off. Why was I unhappy, and how could I change it? I started making notes in my phone, writing in my journal and leaning on my faith. One day I was taking a walk and a swarm of dragonflies swarmed me. Those are a sign of a new beginning, new chapters I life, I believe that was also my Mom telling me it was okay ?

Flash forward to now: I am everything I want to be. I am the happiest I’ve been in a long time, through the support of those I love the most. All that was holding me back, including myself are no longer a issue and shaped the woman I am now. I own everything about me, and I can’t believe the things I continue to accomplish. So many excited things in the pike coming, I’m beyond blessed. The fire that was dimmed will never be extinguished. I have a voice, I have a story, and I’m Taaury37 ✨

Take Care,


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