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July 7, 2020

Halfway 2020

Yeah, 2020 is such a ????????????? – a mix of all emotions.

Yet life goes on. The situation we are all in may not end soon enough but that does not mean that everything ends here, more so our dreams.

Plan to make the rest of 2020 count by taking time to be grateful for what we have. Keep enjoying the blessing of being with our family more. As career persons some have been very busy and spend most of their time at work but this situation gave us more time to spend with our love ones, enjoy home cooked meals, try new hobbies and continue with the old ones. Others who leave alone have more time to reflect, sleep, design their home, dabble in their crafts and discover new things about themselves.

Get in touch with friends and make sure their ei okay. A few kind words can go a long way.  Share your blessings be it finacial, moral support, positive vibes, talents (without asking for a fee), a business idea that will benefit many, listening ears, the power of beautiful and inspiring words, kindess, and most of all LOVE.

Work on being the better version of yourself.
Read, write, watch movies, documentaries, and anything that makes you learn about others.  Help in any way you can. Ask for help when you need it. Learn new things, get more rest and more sleep which you might not had the liberty to do much before. Try new recipes, exercise more, have longer, relaxing showers and go to bed with a clear mind. Remain hopeful knowing that tomorrow is another day.

Continue to inspire others by being a blessing in many different ways.

Stay strong. We’re halfway there.

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