July 11, 2020

Holy Sh*t. This Cover of Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) is Freakishly Good.

Want more musical deliciousness? Try: This Cover of “Dreams” (Fleetwood Mac) is Absolutely Lovely—it gave me Chills.

Seriously, if you’re going to do anything today, watch this video.

I know I always post covers of oldies, but if you haven’t tried singing “Bohemian Rhapsody” in the shower…you’re lying. It’s iconic.

Freddie Mercury was a musical freak of nature (in the best way), so how the eff did this guy suddenly morph into the legend himself? Seriously, this guy has the same chops that Mr. Mercury had—the way he moves, the way his voice carries, even the cross-over piano hands!

Someone hire him for a birthday party (or something) and invite me. Please.

Basically, I’m obsessed and will be playing this all day and night.

His voice was even able to pull my husband away from his video games—and that’s sayin’ a lot!



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author: Kate Force

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