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July 18, 2020

If You Believe

I don’t believe in coincidences, but I do believe in the power of belief. Yesterday I sat with myself when I was meditating. I have put several things into the Universe lately, including some I forgot. This would including submitting Taaury37 to a major distributor, I didn’t think much of it until today, when I received an email. The email contained the words saying it was accepted! Your girl is now on Pandora Podcast!!! In addition to that, Taaury..In Progress is now streaming on Spotify and Apple Podcast. I never thought at any point that I would be able to take something that means the world to me others would hear too.

This happens when you stop blocking your blessings. I made a comment to my cousin earlier today, I said: Monica I think the Universe and God is redirecting me. Things have been happening lately that leads me to believe a door is opening for me as I prepare to close another. Maybe this won’t happen overnight, but it’s clearly been happening little by little. People know my name, not just from my job but by this blog and my podcast. I’m not just that girl from MA anymore, I’m humbled truly. I don’t brag, I just want you to share in my joy and if you can’t that’s fine, I will always support you.

When I decided to kick things into high gear I knew there was a reason behind it, I truly believe in myself and what I offer. I know what I’m capable of even if others don’t yet. This week I took another step in my journey, I have decided I want to contribute to a lifestyle brand. I wrote them a small message on IG and fingers crossed a human reads it. I was asking permission to write a review. I do subscribe to lifestyle brand boxes and instead of doing a usual unboxing, I’m doing an unblogging. I’m pretty sure that’s not a legit word, but in this context…shhhh it will be. The magazine that came with the box is what inspired me to write that message, two of the contributors were from MA! To me that was a sign that hey, if not now when? Say a little prayer and put out good vibes for me ✨

I am not sure what the future holds for me and this, what I do know is so far it’s been a wild ride. There is nothing like sitting down to a blank slate and creating something from your heart. It’s by voice on a screen, sometimes you can even read it in my voice. If you know me in real life, you know what moments I’m actually laughing at too, even with my somewhat aha jokes. There is one thing for sure that I do know: I’m a badass, I don’t have the word quit in this body and no matter how many obstacles are thrown at me, I’ve risen to the occasion.

In closing, I have learned a lot about myself this week, even if it meant reaching my breaking point. I needed to have that cathartic moment, in order to make the decisions I’ve made this week. Charged my crystals and allowed myself to feel every emotion that was necessary. From changing direction and finally launching my yoga classes and creating a space for it, and finding a mentor that truly understands me, it’s been a long week. Going through a health crisis of sorts with my hands, well that’s something I have to give time and allow myself to heal from, but the theme here is healing. The ability to allow yourself to heal from life, trauma and events, that’s how you truly rewrite the chapters of your life and story ✨

Take Care,


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