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July 7, 2020

Nothingness is the Path to Wholeness.

Let’s talk inner update.

When you are updating a program or a device, you cannot use it. It has to be still, you have to be patient. Loading is a process that takes time and demands a pause. It is a process that gets rid of an older version, to replace with a new one, a more performant, adapted and intelligent one.

Guess what??This works for us too.
We have to go through inner updates in order to transform and elevate.

But for that update to be efficient and complete, we need to make time for healing, stillness, change & make space for the new version to integrate our being(s). For the last 3 weeks, I have let myself be, reflect, heal, in stillness, silence & with patience. The update is completing and when it will be done, my inner guidance will allow me to go back to my purpose.

What happens if we don’t let ourselves properly update?

How can we serve the world if we are, ourselves, not allowing to serve our inner processes?

How does rushing internal updates provide wisdom and clarity?

How can consciousness evolve if we are constantly distracted and « busy »?

What if we were all able to give ourselves a break to update, and get back to our purpose with an upgraded consciousness, that serves the good of all?

This is a reminder that sometimes, nothingness is the path to wholeness.


That « nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished » (Lao Tzu).

Take it slow when you need to, speed up when you are ready, repeat.

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