July 26, 2020

Pantastic Keto-Cakes. {Recipe}

Author's Own

Without getting into a diet debate, some of us are meant to burn fat and some to burn sugar.

I am most decidedly in the fat-burner category. Inflammation, memory fog, and getting up to pee all night (hello pre-diabetes) all plague me when I’m not burning ketone bodies like a good Keto-girl.

But there is a lot to miss out on in glucose world.

Mostly, I have invented substitutes (that in many ways are better), but until today, I hadn’t discovered a new pancake recipe. And I’m stoked this has only three ingredients!

I call them keto-cakes and they can be made savory or sweet, fluffy or crêpe-like. Don’t freak out at the ingredients; I promise it tastes good.


(Makes 4 servings of 3 pancakes.)


4 eggs

1/2 cup cottage cheese

1-2 tbsp psyllium husks


1. Wisk all ingredients together and let stand five minutes (or more to thicken).

2. Heat 1 tablespoon butter over medium heat.

3. Spoon two to three pancakes in the pan at a time and cook for two to four minutes each side.

4. Top with keto syrup or pesto and parm.

5. Adjust the psyllium husk powder depending on the consistency you want.

The batter looks kinda gross, but take heart, they cook up delicious. I’m even going to experiment using them as soft taco options, too!

Bonus: in case you need a keto topping option, make berry syrup by melting a tablespoon or two of butter with 1/2 cup of any frozen berries and a tablespoon of natural sweetener like xylitol or monk fruit until bubbly and combined.


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Augustine Colebrook  |  Contribution: 2,315

Image: Augustine Colebrook

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Image: Author's Own

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