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July 26, 2020

Progressions and Revelations

Jul 25

The title says it all, I am in progression at this point. Its also the name of my other podcast, companion to Taaury37. I felt the need to create a different one because my message changed. I don’t just want to be the person who gives simple advice anymore, I want to have more substance. By substance I mean a bigger follow through. I skirted along the sides for 20 something episodes, now you are meeting the real Taaureane.

Taaureane is a complex person, full of detailed thoughts and dreams. She has a gift for caring sometimes a little too much, and that isn’t without fault. I love hard and people who are close to me know this, I do it because I honestly want the best for you. I try to protect you from the mistakes I have made and prevent the possible heartache. We must sometimes learn this on our own though. Life isn’t always about give and take, it’s much deeper than that. You must find what drives you to be the person you are.

That process exposes layers, like an onion. Forever peeling til you get to the meat of it, you don’t bite into a peel and call it a day. Instead you wait for the precise moment, when all is revealed. That’s when the true person is revealed, and the good, bad or ugly parts too. I try to be as transparent of a person. I’ve always believe being yourself should be good enough, and if it isn’t that isn’t my problem really. I refuse to change who I am, to fit in a tiny perfect box.

Self expression is probably one of the most important parts of a person. When you suppress who you are, you are depriving the world of your gifts. The gifts that I’m referring to are your ideas, perspective and opinion. Flaws are a part of us all, it’s how you use them to your advantage. For me that was creating this persona and pen name. It didn’t just fall from the sky haha.

Taaury37 enables me to put a spin on my own life, while showing you how to create a better one for yourself. Mistakes are just blueprints for success, believe that. I have been able to transition from unsure girl, to a lioness of a woman who knows what she wants. I’m not afraid anymore, know where I stand in this world, I know my purpose. You must be wondering what I think that is, right? Then keep reading, the answer is coming soon.

Personally in my life I’ve been through some deep shit. I was molested by someone I trusted as a child, I blamed myself for years and held onto that resentment for years. I did go to the authorities, and back then the right’s of the victims weren’t as good as today. He walks the streets today, but he can’t look me in the eyes to this day. Did that and the subsequent hospitalization due to exhaustion shape me? Yes they did, they made me stronger, it’s how I’ve become the advocate for people, especially women’s rights. I will always help a woman in crisis, as she sits there in her own puddle of tears, I will get down there with you. You need a hug, or words of encouragement, I will sit there as your voice becomes a quiet whisper. I’ve been there, I’ve done that, even allowed trauma to silence my voice.

That is why I decided that teaching trauma yoga to my clients is a must. We can work through things you don’t want said out loud within fluid movements. I registered for a trauma informed care basics course, there is so much more to what I show to the public. My own struggles have become my triumphs, and I won’t forget what shaped me. The saying don’t judge a book, by its cover, has dual meanings for me. To me that means, what you see on the surface, doesn’t begin to touch the patchwork underneath my skin, the healing that I’ve had to do. Therapy has worked wonders a on me as a person, as a student of a the craft of mental health awareness.

In closing, I want you to take a deep look at your own battles and what you have achieved. Be proud of the person, whose wounds have closed, or the stitch has held in place. You are gift to this world, there is no one else like you. Be the rare jewel in the symmetry that we call life ✨

Take Care,


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