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July 29, 2020

Road to Redemption

Jul 29

I sit here with the biggest smile, I have been able to pull off the best of me. What I’ve learned in the past couple of weeks, is how strong I am as a person. I’ve struggled with work issues and it’s spilled over into my life at home. No one wants to be an emotional basket case every single day. That was me, and an event recently triggered a positive response. I chose to take the more intentional road and move on. No that doesn’t mean that I quit, that means I know my personal limits and I’m maxed out truly. You have do a lot of soul searching sometimes, in order to find the clarity you don’t quite see. I’ve known for quite awhile that this chapter was ending, and I stayed because people I care about are there. This medical issue that happened, was a blessing in disguise.

All of these events, have prompted me to want more for myself. I can’t pour from an empty or shattered cup. Sometimes in life it isn’t fair, you can’t continue on a path to self destruction. When you look in the mirror and you don’t even recognize who you are becoming, that’s a sign ladies and gentleman. Your life is something you can control, well certain events. The ones you can’t, you work around, you make the best of a situation, not knowing the outcome. Life as it is complex and complicated, doesn’t get easier. What does get easier, your fight and I’m not saying violence. When you speak up for yourself, you have to remember amplify your voice, but choose your words carefully. Never give anyone the power to have a say on your future, but you.

In my personal case, I chose to look for a different position, like I stated previously I’m burnt out on the food industry. It took me 5 days, 2 interviews and I got the job!! Here’s the thing though, I was able to hit that interview out of the park, answering 1 question. What I said you can’t teach, that is instilled inside you from day 1. It’s very important to remember where you came from, because those are tools that set you up as an adult. You aren’t always meant to fit in a world where there is so much discord. I’ve said it a million times here and my podcast, you have to brand YOU.

There is no other individual like you on this planet. You either break the mold, or restructure it, but you need to bring your own light to the world. It’s not easy to carry the strength, when you are worn down. At that point you realize there is so much more in the world to discover. I had to take a chance on myself, I need to find a way back to me. My smile has been lately, not just because I wear a mask, but because I’ve been lost. I am not afraid to admit that, little cracks inside of my exterior show. The public would see one side and privately, I struggled. It took my hands and the ability to be who I was to make me see the light. The light it shines so bright, you can’t help but be enveloped by it.

Back to the events that lead to this, there comes a moment when you know it’s time. That moment was Monday, but I had already made my mind up in the last two weeks. A penny fell from a tray in front of me heads up that afternoon. Little signs add up to me. During one of my many Drs appts I had said, I know that the time is coming and I want to prepare myself. That night I said a prayer, I ask God to please give me guidance. The next day HR emailed me, I called back and we proceeded with a second interview. This took place today and within moments of meeting my future boss, I knew I made the right decision. I was walking away to something that makes so much more sense to me and I get to grow as a person.

I don’t just preach about growing here and not taking my own advice. Heck no, I believe that events have to line up to make sense. When something is set is motion, you can’t block the progress. What you can do is make it a reality, I knew that I was going to find something, not so soon but I’m beyond happy. Right after the interview, I took the biggest sigh, because I knew that this is a new beginning for me. All the tears, the anxiety, the hurt and this recovery happened for a reason. We may not always see the lesson when something happens, but what follow is the best is yet is to come ✨

Take Care,


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