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July 19, 2020

Self respect, self worth and self love. “World start with self and ends with self” ?

Life is about ultimate confusion, the road you pass by, the miscellany emotions you came across. Don’t you think trouncing all these is a great deal of a human being? Being us, we have to control all the sentiment and go with the flow to make everything okay. But I sometime feel I am lacking behind the bars of rejoicing the others first but where is actual me and what about the things or thoughts that are in my mind and I have to go through it ? I feel like in this impenetrable world I am loosing myself, here I couldn’t open up to the level I believe to be, why this happens ? Is it the fault of time or society or either myself. BANG!!! Suddenly I realise that its the only me and the problem is within me and that is ‘being pensive’ in liu of making the surrounding things /people/situation positive or to make sure not to impair anyone. I loose the self peace and started being in trauma. I think this is the serious complication of todays period, for the sake of other we lost ourself in this non-caring world. We ultimately introspect ourself which made us go through frustration, disappointment inside us. It finally leads to the end of life sometime. But the most important subject is to deal with it in the way it should, be positive and be yourself. You don’t have to be happy for others learn to stay happy for yourself first it is so blissful, when you purpose for self it is beyond the words to describe. Because ultimately your mind depends on your instinct and you have the power to drive ~stay positive.



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