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July 11, 2020

Suffering and the Human Spirit

Human suffering is endless and in that we must find the strength to persevere, to hold on when it is most difficult.

The important thing to understand is that suffering whether physical or mental, has a reason for being present. Sometimes to make us humble, to teach us a lesson in a spiritual context.

All human suffering nevertheless is heart wrenching.

We may hide it behind a smile or immerse ourselves in work to forget it, but when the world gets quiet, the suffering is back only to ask you..have you learnt your lesson yet?

One way to overcome the helplessness that arises from this suffering is to help another overcome theirs.

That is a form of prayer..of being able to forget the ‘I’ and embrace the ‘Us’. To realise that in all our suffering we are together and we can endure it or overcome it with faith in one another.

In this senseless world, knowing this fact can bring about some sort of peace within.

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