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July 28, 2020

The Conscious and Choices

In life we have many different choices, when to begin something and when to end it. The crossroads we sometimes find ourselves at, because an empass that we can’t sit by and ignore this call to action. Life changes in an instant, the familiar routines are pulled from under you. Adapt or stay behind are the choices you are faced with. What would you choose to do? I am choosing to adapt and by that I mean moving on.

There are times in your life that despite your best effort, you don’t see something working. If you have left everything on the table and it still isn’t working, well you need end what it is. This includes a job, a relationship or life issues in general. I mean you can’t force something to fit into what it used to be. We all grow differently and we evolve, not meant to stay stagnant in a position. For me personally this has an issue, I’ve worked in the same industry for 18 years. I’m tired and I’m burnt out, and COVID was an eye opener for me. I’m not the girl who works in the Caf anymore, I’m Taaury37.

This blog alone has touched so many people, literally around the world. I just wanted people to read and say “hey this girl is smart, I like her style”, instead I’ve seen places in my stats that I dream of visiting. As a person who wasn’t sure what her goal was 5 months ago, you the readers have help me to grow, as a writer and a person. I can’t thank you enough for doing that. In being burnt out, my solace has been this and my podcast. They help me to be able to keep on track where I’m going, not where I stand now.

When I chose to look for a different position within the hospital, I realized that I am much more than I’ve given myself credit for. For the most part, people like me and I like them too. There will always be differing of personalities and the method of how your style of work is. No one is perfect, and we are equals. I’ve been in leadership roles and I’ve been at the bottom of the totem pole, however I haven’t changed as a person. I want to always be humble about my success, I want you experience it with me. The stories that I tell here, are mine, even if it’s indirectly. If you visited my workplace, by description you would know who I’m talking about. These little blips and bumps on the radar are what shapes my world. The world that I share with you unfiltered.

The feelings that I’ve been getting, lately is motivation to move on. To change the industry not the place of work. Anyone who has worked in any kind of food service, knows what I’m feeling. There is just a time, when you have held every role possible, that the glass ceiling is shattered. When I do end up leaving my department, I do it with the comfort her I’ve done everything I set out to do. I walked into that building 4 years ago, as an amateur, and I’ve built a reputation and created bonds that I am forever grateful for. Every novel has an ending, and you want to leave a situation on your own terms. In my case it’s 50/50, because of my hands and the issues around it I feel that I need to step away from the roles that I hold. The experiences and people hold a place in my heart forever. This is my curtain call of sorts, final at bat and taking my bow.

When that happens, the things I look forward to is new experiences. A role that I’ve never had before, getting to wear nail polish and do my hair. In my adult life because I work with food, I’ve never gotten to experience that, so it’s kinda a big deal to me haha. I feel like I’ve finally come into my own as a person, and I know that change while scary, is good for the soul.

No matter what my next direction is in life, I know that the path I’m taking is the one I created. No leaving behind metaforical crumbs to get back home. Time to step out of the comfort zone and make my mark. This and my podcast aren’t the most simple, yet I make them work. Knowing that I have the support of the people I love the most, means the world. I will forever be the driving force behind myself and my body of work. Cheers to the future, it’s looking so bright ✨

Take Care,


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