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July 22, 2020

The Deity In Water

The newly formed shadows illuminate into a dark, golden hue that casts itself upon the serene waves, transforming the lake into a gleaming bath. Dusk is on its way as the deity prepares herself for replenishment in the sun-kissed liquid. With tranquility seeping through her already centered disposition, the deity takes a step into the golden liquid.

She gleefully paces into the water and after an exhaustive exhale, slowly immerses herself in it, her skin glistening from the sparkling fluid. In that very moment, the deity felt what she always felt: absolute and incandescent harmony. She lets out a giggle as she paddles deeper into the lake. The golden hue of the water transforms into a navy blue with crystal specks from the now prominent moon as it normally does.

The only difference is that there are differences tonight. Specifically, as the deity reaches her arm out, she sees that her once supple, smooth skin is now rotten. She peers down at her reflection in the water to see that her once ethereal visage now resembles that of a hungry, beaten-down hag. Startled, the deity scrambles in the water. As she tries to maintain her rhythm in the dark liquid, she feels the cold grasp of a skeletal finger coil around her neck. Additional grasps take hold of her wrists and ankles. Within seconds, the deity is completely underwater, being dragged by unknown beings to an unknown, submerged location. The more she tries to resist the ambush, the stronger the opposing side seems to become.

She notices that her ability to breathe underwater is now eliminated as she attempts to juggle the heaps of fluid rushing through her insides. All as this happens, the grasps on her neck, wrists and ankles only tighten further. Her surroundings darken into almost pure blackness. Her once peaceful aura has morphed into anguish and hopelessness. It is at this instant that she gives up, as the struggle has already become too draining.

The deity stops moving and remains still as she continues to get dragged into darkness. She closes her eyes in an attempt to feel more relaxed.

The grasps on her neck, arms and ankles suddenly loosen to the point of completely letting go. She opens her eyes to find that she is, again, in water that is brighter with a gold shade. Confused, yet relieved, she swims to the surface and analyzes her reflection to find that her otherworldly beauty has returned. An unapologetic smile overtakes her face she paddles to the surface. She steps on land and begins to walk back to her home where her life is at permanent peace.

Before she immerses on her path, however, she turns around to peer at the now empty water for a few moments. The deity then lets out a sigh and half-smile. Decisively, she strides back to the water.

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Shannon Agostini  |  Contribution: 645