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July 31, 2020

To the Persons who sold their souls (REPENT)



To the persons who sold their soul: Everyone who has turned over their lives and souls to the devil, I’m not here to judge you but to simply tell you the spiritual truth and the utter consequences. So here’s it: probably you went through some traumatic experience in your life or even in your childhood years. Every bit of trauma can be healed. It takes time but you can heal. What you can’t heal is the fact that you’ve completely despised the SALVATION of GOD that caused you to do this. Whether you sold your soul for money, riches, fame, fortune to gain the whole or overcome poverty and many other.

But what shall be the end result of all that you’ve gained by turning to the devil for VANITY.

The end result to your doings shall be hell. Hell is a real place and so is heaven and so is God and the Devil.

The Devil is a liar. He is a deceiver. He is disgusting and ugly. His ways are of this world: evil. He tricks all his followers into believing that he can protect them and give them what they want.

This is a lie and the children of God have been warning the people but the people are brainwashed into thinking that there is no God.

The people have been lied to and are led astray by filthy demons. I could go on and on and never stop about the evil which presents itself in this world.

Here is a confession of mine: I got the opportunity to join the brotherhood/ the Illuminati and i’ve considered it for many days. God was always showing me how much he loved me but i tthinking about how rich I could be. The brotherhood pretends to be the light which respects and helps people but literally its the darkness, its a lie. I was tempted and now that I wake up I repented.

I prayed to God in repentance. I was tempted, we all do. I could be a rich, famous girl. This sounds extremely charming, extremely tempting but its all a LIE.

I resisted the devil and YOU CAN too. I then started listening to God’s prophets about their visions of hell. Many will say ‘Oh this is all made up. Its a lie. These people are idiots’ but in truth the devil and his followers only have these characteristics, NOT THE CHILDREN OF GOD AND NOT GOD PROPHETS.

Back in the ancient days the prophets of God have been persecuted for HIS righteousness. In the modern world now, they still are being mocked and judged and even killed by the LIARS of satan.

No weapon that is formed against the children of God shall prosper.

The persons who sold their soul. Many persons will say it’s too late, its not too late. The only time is too late is when you die in the evil and darkness and go straight to eternal hell. You can always go down on your knees and cry out ‘Jesus please save me’

This is why Jesus Christ is called the savoir of the world. He can save you no matter what you do or did. No matter how horrible it is, he can save you.

And for the persons who  under demonic influences I command you to pray and then go to a proper church filled with the holy ghost to cleanse your soul.

Please this is a warning! Do not  allow the the devil to trick you nor tempt you. Satan is the ultimate liar.

The persons who have sold their soul you can cry out to Jesus to be saved, at least you tried.

But for those who choose not to. You’ll suffer in hell. You were warned.

There is nothing God can’t fix. God created you, so he must understand you like no other.

Please I’ll explain more in part two and three.











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