July 19, 2020

A Love Letter to the Woman who Stole my Heart.


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Ask me what day it is, and I may not be able to tell you.

Ask me if I’m in love, and I’d say yes.

I was going to get up early this morning, but I decided not to. Instead, I kept my eyes closed and imagined running my hands through your soft, brown hair and whispering, “I love you, beautiful.”

We’ve never met, but I see you everywhere. You’re in the sunflowers I water each morning, the coffee I sip slowly, and the pillow I rest my cheek on.

The current circumstances have kept us from meeting in person, but this experience’s uniqueness has made dating all the more enjoyable.

Each time I read a message from you, my heart dances to a new beat—each one better than the one before. I look forward to experiencing this again when we first meet and dance to a new rhythm.

These days, there’s an extra hop in my step and redness to my face after my phone lights up with your name. Last week, the grocer thought I was smiling at him after you had written me something that kept all of my teeth showing for a good hour. I let him enjoy the moment while I enjoyed mine.

Somebody told me at work this week that they were happy to see my eyes sparkling again. They didn’t ask why, but I am sure they knew. I started choking as I felt your presence and pretended the redness in my cheeks was related to the California heat.

While it’s been beautiful dating you from afar, I look forward to the day I can hold your hand and rest my cheek on yours (instead of my pillow). For now, though, I’ll journey through these days with you in my mind.

If you’re ever feeling down, put your hand to your heart. I am there, and so are you.

Meet me there tonight, if you’d like. I have a new song for you.

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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Kate Force