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July 8, 2020


I don’t remember,

How long have I longed for –

A touch.

(Several will roll their eyes. Some would fix their body postures before reading further, expecting to indulge into so sexually explicit content; Never mind)


I don’t remember

How long have I longed for –

A touch.

The sight of my favourite people,

A good laugh,

A reunion with friends;

Coffee and a lot more

But importantly, A touch.

A firm handshake, for hope.

A wrap of arms around me, for warmth

Fingers running through my hair,

Putting me to sleep;


A lap to place my head on and forgetting everything else,


A peck on the forehead

– Love

Hands held firmly by another pair of hands

– Companionship

All of it-

But mostly, a touch.


I have lost count of the days

Since I’ve craved for a touch.

No lip locks

No sex at any damn place of the house

No fantasizing fictional characters

Like Mr. Darcy or Christian Grey

And caressing yourself down there.

None of it; none.

But, a touch.

A sincere, honest human touch

That touches your soul, and

Strikes a chord in your heart.

A touch that touches you beneath the skin

And not merely the flesh that hangs on your bones…




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