July 17, 2020

Warm-Me-Up Vegan Potato Salad. {Recipe}

Who said potato salad has to be cold?

Here is a warm vegan potato salad as a switch from the classic cold ones. Depending on when and where on our little blue planet you’re reading this, warm just might do the belly best. Feeding our gut healthy food is individual for each and every one of us.

I rarely measure the ingredients, just wing it (rolls eyes). If available, my first choice is local and organic produce. Since my gut is super sensitive to garlic and onion, you won’t find any here. Feel free to add them if they taste good to you and your tummy.

Oh, and yes, I am part of the 10 percent of the population who dislikes cilantro. Nasty stuff, it ruins everything. But feel free to cilantro-garnish your dishes.

The 10 percent is not a scientifically researched number; when I had a television, I heard it on a commercial for some sitcom. Works for me. At the local farmers’ market three weeks ago, a few of us, strangers linked through the organic produce vendor, discussed cilantro. One person said it’s 50-50. Hmmm, probably, maybe.

Have fun experimenting, I do!

Warm-Me-Up Vegan Potato Salad {Recipe}

This delightful fall and winter potato salad is so different from your cold summer one.

Organic, cute small red potatoes are perfect for this, cut in half into bite-size pieces, and remember to leave the skin on.

Set these to boil while you prepare the rest of the aromatic deliciousness.


Red potatoes

Marinated artichokes

Kalamata olives

Grape or cherry tomatoes

EVOO (Extra-virgin Olive Oil)

Dijon mustard

Lemon juice

Vegan feta cheese—we like the Violife brand

Hippie dust (the ultimate magic ingredient, read below to know what!)

Fresh parsley

Ground black pepper

Sea salt—optional

What do we do with all these?

In a large glass bowl, add EVOO, mustard, lemon juice, hippie dust—also known as nutritional yeast, pepper, and salt.

No need to mix it yet.

Add the cooked, warm potatoes into the bowl.

Gently fold the ingredients together.

Add the vegan feta and chopped parsley.

A gentle folding once again to bring the flavors together.

Grab a fork. Give gratitude. Insert fork into the warm delight of a different take on a popular side. Insert fork into mouth.



Bonus Recipes: Cold potato salad and another side dish (with a twist). Read here: A Twist on a Childhood Memory: 2 Vegan Side Dishes. {Recipes}

For a whole bunch of delicious recipes, scroll through my author page.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,105

author: Janice Dolk

Image: Cooking etc./flickr

Editor: Sukriti Chopra