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August 9, 2020

A Different Point Of View


Aug 9

I’m trying something different today, I’m writing as male point of view. You might be thinking how can she do this successfully? Well if you have ever been in a relationship, step into their shoes for just a day, see the world that they see. Here is my personal take on it, I don’t see a right or a wrong way, please enjoy the experience. This is coming from 2 different male’s point of view, enjoy.


As I wake up in the morning, my first thought is her, the time difference is drummed into my head. Let me get ready for work and situated and then I will check on her. The water trickles down my body, I towel off quick, time for my uniform and check in. The next couple of hrs fly by, cleaning the guns, runs and busy work. If you have not realized by now, I’m deployed. I left a lot back home in the US, I can’t say where I am, but she knows and the people most important do too. One day soon I hope to be on fresh soil, looking at my life as it begins again.

As a sniper, I have seen things that aren’t always pretty, I’ve killed on command. I’m a peaceful person, so please know that I don’t do that without conscious. I signed up for the military and I am following through, to the last command. I run through rain and mud, I carry guns that could annihilate people, but I’m just me in the end. Michael Bublé plays in the background I just wanna go home. I’m homesick and we have both shed a lot of tears, but have airtight bond. We will see what the future holds, my life is held by dates and locations and planes.

I pray for the day, that I’m sitting there with my peace. It’s something that I never expected but that’s when life happens. Always expect the unexpected, the Universe throws you a bone sometimes. She was that bone. I’ve never loved anyone like her. She makes this all worth it. FaceTime, texts and lots of songs and pictures is how I have made this work. Unconditional love, has no timestamp, no realm it just is. Just know my world is better place because of her. I can’t wait to marry her when I get home.


I take my life with a grain of salt. Everything is different at times. You spend years with someone and then it changes. I got married and we live the life we expected to, but then there is the elephant in the room. Children are the next step in life and when that doesn’t happen naturally it hurts a man’s pride. There are other processes that are on hold, due to Covid. The time will come when this will all be just a fleeting memory. The ribs can’t last forever right?

You work towards a happy medium for everyone involved and try not to lose yourself in the meanwhile. Always work on improving yourself and becoming more educated. I got my degree and now I’m working in a place where my niche is clear. I hope in the future to get that brass ring that has alluded me. Even if it means going back for my Master’s and 4 more years of college. The future seems the brightest for those who work for it.

I have dreams of one day moving to California, and seeing what that Coast holds. It will be a big move for all involved, and a new beginning. That is very far down the pike. Let’s make the little things happen first, cheers to the future.

While these 2 men are living lives that aren’t parallel at all, they are both working towards a goal. C’s career is coming a close and civilian life awaits and after 15 years in the Military it’s hard to take off the uniform. Other than just being him, it’s his identity, his brothers are his family and that’s what he will miss most. He’s literally traveled the world and now he’s going settle down somewhere. He has a huge blessing in his life and he’s going to take full advantage of that. I know in my heart they will have an amazing life together, he’s earned it truly.

As for J, he’s building upon what’s already there; he’s trying his best to improve the situation. He’s educated himself and he’s evolving. He goes to the gym, he takes care of what is needed. Making the people closest to him, his priority.

You see men don’t always show emotion, they quiet what they feel until they erupt. That’s when the real problems start to happen, it affects their jobs and relationships. One thing that I’ve learned personally is that men, need emotionally support just as we females do. When you see your partner struggling, take a moment to touch base, listen to them, hold them, be in the moment. That way you don’t have to always wonder if they are faithful, doing things on the outside you need to worry about, and knowing that you are on the same page. Without this the dynamic doesn’t work, it suffers.

I want to take the opportunity to thank J and C for allowing me to see things from their point of view. No one man is the same as the other, each is very unique and shows his masculinity a different way. Ladies love your guys, men love your ladies just the same, 50/50 if you and 80/20 when needed. Play the video games and go to Beer Summit, men watch the rom coms and know her favorite wine and cheat meal haha. Keep the fires going and never lose the butterflies and magic that ignites your love.

Take Care,


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