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August 10, 2020

A Glossary Of Muslim Attires And Islamic Clothing

The modest type of dressing can only be found in the Islamic culture, even though there are different styles and colors for these dresses like Abaya, as well as different names which usually depends on the country it is worn, or the occasion it is used for . Here is a glossary of some of the most commonly used clothing by both men and women.


This term is sometimes used as a general way of describing the modest dress for women. It generally refers to a rectangular or square piece of cloth or fabric that is folded in different styles so that it can be fastened below the chin when placed over the head. It is used in a similar way to a headscarf, but it covers but the head, neck and chest. There are generally two different types depending on the location and style, and it may be called tarhah or Shaylah.


Khimar is generally used to refer to a face or head veil. It is also used in referring to a specific style of scarf covers the top half of the woman’s body. It covers the hair, neck, and body, down to the waist. This clothing is specifically designed to be used by women


This is a cloak that is mainly designed for women, which are usually worn over other types of clothing and mainly used when in public places. It is usually decorated with colored sequins and embroidery and made with synthetic fibre. It is sometimes worn over the shoulders, or sometimes from the head to the ground. Abaya can be combined with a face veil or a headscarf.


This is another clothing for women that covers every part of the body and leaves a mesh screen at the eye region in other to enhance the vision of the wearer. This is a common outfit in Afghanistan and where it is often referred to as a niqab veil.


The term jilbab is quoted from the Quranic scripture in Qur’an 33:59. It is used in referring to garments that are worn by Islamic women, especially when they are in a public gathering or an occasion. It has more similarity with Abaya, but it is designed such that it is more fitted and comes in more colors and a variety of fabrics. It is also similar to a long coat.


This is also a clothing that is mostly worn by women. It is mainly worn from the top of the head, down to the ground. The main aim of this clothing is to provide effective covering of every part of the body. It is sometimes worn without a face veil, and this is very common in Iran.

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