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August 13, 2020

A Habit for Beginners

Ha-bait for Meditation


The breath does not solely set the foundation for meditation. Committing to time sets it too. The moment you commit to meditation, to take time out of your day for making time to sit and observe your thoughts, only then are you taking the bait for mindful practice, making it a ha-bait, also known as a habit. This is key. This is what beginner meditators should hear. It’s too much pressure to tell them to sit and try and focus only on the breath.

Although the breath may still be the ultimate aim, the aim for beginners should be to first start by making time, even if it’s only a few minutes a day, even if that time is not spent with an empty mind, or focused only on the present.


Moments ‘till DING!


Setting a timer is a great way to start. Quieting the mind will most likely not take place, as that would be equivalent to stopping the heart. Mindfulness doesn’t mean stopping the mind, it means embracing the mind, or observing the mind. That is the best place to start. Even if the meditator is counting down the seconds until the clock goes “DING!”, there is still plenty of benefits that come through a simple effort.

For other meditators, that “DING!” could even be a spiritual revelation of some kind. After all, ah-ha moments are so common during mediation. When you sit and listen to the mind, your mind communicates wisdom.

Constantly having an active mind and body is like constantly talking. All that chatter, without a break, is hard on the throat. Mental chatter is hard on the body and mind. It could mean wearing it out mentally or physically, thus the reason for health problems and mental health problems occurring, which can be solved through mindfulness.

The benefits of mindfulness are endless. Definitely do the research. That is part of the exploration! The mind is just as observable as the body, only an internal eye is used to explore all the hidden parts.

Meditators might find that that “DING” can go off any moment, and somedays it will come quicker than others, but the point is to first set the clock so that those “ah-ha” moments will be made possible. The more you practice, the more you will feel awakened by not just the clock, but by a metaphorical one too. The mind is truly a beautiful thing to awake.


Time for Some Traction


When wheels hit the road, movement occurs. When the mind eventually hits the breath, awareness is made. That puts the wheels in motion for a better life. It’s time for some traction, so get a grip on the moment, and free yourself of the constant business of your day.         Put down the smart phone. Turn off the TV. Take a break from work. Those are all suggestions for making that time. Like a train to a track, the mind will guide you, as long as you set the stage for a moment in time for some freedom from action, with the intention being traction.

Sit down, silence yourself, and listen to your mind. You would be surprised by how much it has to say. Think of it as a present, for the present. Unwrap the present for your gift to yourself in this time.

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