August 8, 2020

A Poem for my Baby Boy—You are my Wildest Dream come True.

My beautiful baby boy, how I ached for you.

And now you are here—filling the space of each day,
with laughter and adventure,
patching places in my heart
that I didn’t know were always missing you.

I loved you long before I held you in my arms.
But once our eyes met,
my heart felt full and complete
like it never had before.

It was as if I’d always known you.

You were the missing piece of my heart’s puzzle,
the most precious gift I could imagine.
With your soft skin and blue eyes—
working hard to drink the world around you in,
I have never felt so happy to be alive.

My excitement to show you this big and beautiful world
is only matched by the joy
of seeing it through your eyes.

Because already, everything looks different.
For years I wandered, looking and searching,
for what, I wasn’t quite sure.

Now I know, I was looking for you.

You are my home, my peace, my hope.
Every missed opportunity, heartbreak, or regret
is nothing compared to spending one second with you,
and all that lies ahead with you in the world.

Go, my beautiful baby
explore, learn, grow, and see.
All along the way, know you are loved,
endlessly and enormously.

Know that you made my life.
You are the absolute best thing,
and my wildest dream come true.

Thank you for choosing me.


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Katie Ratchuk  |  Contribution: 450

author: Katie Ratchuk

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Elizabeth Brumfield