8.8 Editor's Pick
August 11, 2020

Am I the Only One Thinking Kamala Harris is the Perfect Pick?

Finally, Joe Biden announced his VP pick.

Kamala Harris will be on his ticket, and social media is already exploding.

The election campaigns are ready to go: Trump/Pence against Biden/Harris. It’s on!

It was clear that Biden couldn’t please everyone with his pick. Maybe that’s why it took him so long to make the most obvious choice, in my opinion. 

Many of our readers, authors, and Waylon, were rooting for Elizabeth Warren, and I agreed with that most of the time. She is an inspiring woman who would have deserved to run for president, but she would not have helped Biden much as a VP.

They both connect with the same type of voter, and Joe doesn’t need any help with highly educated liberals living on the east coast. 

Quite a few friends of mine were hoping for Susan Rice. She played an important role in the Obama era and is well-respected among the political establishment. Biden does not need to worry about these two things either. 

Karen Bass also had a lot of sympathies behind her. As a woman of color from California, she would have brought something to Biden’s campaign that he needs, but someone else got the nomination who shares similar characteristics and has even more to offer.

I am talking about Kamala Harris.

Here are my top reasons why I think that Biden picked the best VP possible:

>> She is not only a WOC, but she also has Jamaican and Indian heritage, which are two large minorities all over the United States. 

>> She is passionate and comparably young and has a lot of charisma. 

>> She opposed Trump’s migration policies very early and wants to reform ICE.

>> She was California’s Attorney General and is not known to be a “radical leftist.”

>> She is not afraid of attacking political opponents in public hearings, as Jeff Sessions, William Barr, and Rod Rosenstein already got to experience in Congress.

>> She voted with Bernie Sanders as a Senator in 93 percent of the cases. 

>> She is in support of Israel. 

>> She believes in NATO and wants to reconnect with Europe. 

>> She criticised China for trade policies, but opposed Trump’s stubborn stance on China.

>> She recently changed her mind and is supporting Recreational Marijuana on a Federal level.

>> She demanded more COVID-19 support for individuals and opposed unchecked support for corporations. 

If that was not only enough to call this a great day for the United States, here’s another observation I made during the hours after Biden’s announcement. 

Conservatives are angry and got emotional about a woman with Jamaican-Indian heritage running for vice president. They smear Harris as a candidate of the radical left, while many Sanders supporters view her as not being progressive enough. 

#PhonyKamala is trending since Biden officially picked Harris as his running mate. Republicans attack her for changing her mind throughout the last decades and try to remind the “radical left” that Harris is not one of them.

What is it? Is she too radical or too moderate? These accusations already prove that she is neither of the two. Biden also changed his mind on her. 

Isn’t that a quality we are all looking for these days? Being able to evolve an opinion instead of stubbornly repeating the same mistakes is something that American politics need right now; it is definitely not a weakness. 

Trump supporters are going to focus on Kamala Harris for the next weeks. That gives Joe Biden some time to work out new strategies for his campaign, and he doesn’t need to worry about his running mate. She can take care of herself, and she is not scared at all.

Kamala Harris will gladly enter any confrontation with the Republican establishment, she will be present on TV and social media, and she will bring the energy into Biden’s campaign that he desperately needed. 

Politics are always about finding a compromise, and it is impossible to make everyone happy. Decisions are made based on strategies, polls, and past elections.

That being said, I think that Kamala Harris is the perfect VP pick for Joe Biden.

She is not too radical, but she is also not too moderate. Both ends of the spectrum criticising her is a good thing. Most voters are in between these two extremes, and they are happy to vote for Biden/Harris 2020. 

Let’s be honest, we will all have a lot of fun on October 9th: that’s the day when Kamala Harris will most probably debate Mike Pence.

It is not a coincidence that rumors around Trump replacing Pence are thriving after Harris being nominated. That shows the impact of this decision.

Republicans are nervous right now. 

If that is still not enough to convince you, how does this sound? 

President: Joe Biden

Vice President: Kamala Harris

Secretary of State: Susan Rice

Secretary of Defense: Pete Buttigieg

Attorney General: Adam Schiff

Secretary of Treasury: Elizabeth Warren

Secretary of Education: Karen Bass

This is just my personal opinion as someone from Europe, but I think that this is a great day for the United States. 

I was waiting for that day for three and a half years. 

Let’s do this!

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author: Robert Busch

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