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August 1, 2020

August and Abundance

Whirlwind, that’s how I can describe the last week. I went from being a food service worker and lead, to someone who will work directly with the public. I am scared? Nope not one bit, as I mentioned previously I was ready for a change it’s been a long time coming. I embrace for now working no weekends, I haven’t had a weekday job in my whole adult life. Regular hours and seeing the sun for the time being, is a blessing. Best part is wearing my own clothes, something I haven’t done unless I’ve had a day off. I can finally feel like a human being again haha. This isn’t something that happened overnight, but it was a short span of time. When things happen for a reason, you embrace them. Always have faith over fear, it goes a long way.

As a person who is truly meant for more in many ways, I have looked for opportunity for growth. If you realize that your growth is being stunted, that’s when you say this is the steps you need to take. Our company has a website that has many different departments, I think that’s what I love about working in a hospital. There is always somewhere that will be a perfect fit for you, even if it takes a couple of times to find it. I’m a people person, so I think in that aspect it’s easier for me to make a decent impression.

Most people would agree if you see a ripple effect somewhere, it’s time to move on. That effect isn’t small it comes in waves and patterns. While most people would just brush this away and continue, little parts started to become bigger problems for myself and others around me. The stress for one wasn’t worth it. I felt as though I fell through a rabbit hole and was digging at the tunnel, only thing to show was the dirt under my nails. That to me is a telling sign that well you’ve outgrown a lot. I literally had nothing else to accomplish there, it was growing pains and yes myself that kept me there.

Having a cathartic set of moments recently, truly opened my eyes to what was really happening. My best friend moved across the country, leaving me alone in the department we both worked in. Now I don’t really care that I was alone, I can survive, it’s seeing what happened around me. The blinders that both of us wore faded and I began to see the big picture. When moral is low at any point in life you either change it or you move on. The lowest of lows were exposed to myself and others, and I knew something had to change.

One night recently I came home and just cried for over an hour. It was at this point, I knew my plan of action. Took a hot shower, and got out and in my pjs scrolled for new positions. I applied to two and said a prayer. Two days later I got that email, followed by a phone call and finally an interview. I accept the position fully on Monday after work. In the meanwhile, I’m working a different position and I get to have a couple of weekends off. Most of all the stress that my body was holding, that I was holding has melted away. Today was the first time I woke up not feeling anxious. I had a smile, and those even without my mask have been very rare lately.

Whether it be a life change or work environment, we as human beings are programmed to feel a certain way. We act accordingly because we don’t want to ruffle feathers, but what happens when ours are? There is no blowback it’s just move on, collect yourself and continue your job. That’s when your own choices come into play. Should you stay or go, that’s all up to you and the situation. After all this is your future, and that is now. Secondly, never go back on what you feel to retreat to your safe zone, you need to fall and fail to see what you are worth. Trust me there is so much better when you ditch the cement shoes.

What comes next? I don’t know truly, but this week has been full of blessings. I got the email from iHeart Radio, they picked up both of my podcast!!! I have submitted two emails to companies asking to review their subscription boxes and Monday is my first day at new work. I truly believe everything fell into place at the precise moment it was meant to. There is a piece of my puzzle still missing but I know that’s the next big surprise. I want to also take this opportunity to thank all of my current and new readers, you are amazing and thank you for joining me on this wild ride. Embrace the change and find your happy!!

Take Care,


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