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August 18, 2020

Baby Witch

As part of the 13 week series I have running on my channel, we are exploring the Sacred 13 whom are the13 archetypes I am currently working with in my sacred service. We are getting to know each of these incredible sources of intelligence with the intention that their active presence in our life will support the evolution of our reality. The Sacred 13 are archetypes that I have been trained as an Intuitive Guide by the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence, where my Principal Dr Ricci Jane Adams created the space for a quantum integration with the truth of these archetypes, who are only a few out of 100’s and 1000’s that have been observed and studied across fields of sciences, spirituality and the arts. The archetypes who make up the Sacred 13 are;

Wild Woman

Archetypes are patterns of energy, behaviour, experiences that can be observed and reflected upon to expand the conscious understanding of reality. Some experts use archetypes to understand parts of our psyche and identity and even go on to demonstrate how archetypes play out in the collective unconscious. Carl Jung is renowned for his studies and research into archetypes. Caroline Myss is another highly regarded teacher and genius for her teachings of archetypal sight and/or spiriutal sight.

The Maiden is an archetype that I am very close with. She was formally introduced to me in the welcome package I received from the Institute for Intuitive Intelligence just shy of the start of my 12 month immersion in the intuitive science where spirituality and science are made whole. I opened my package to see the glorious Maiden with her arms up in the air. She was the energy that supported me through this intensive curriculum that saw me shed away all of the limiting beliefs that had kept me small up until that point. She is woven all throughout my walk that has seen me journeying for almost 30 years with a wild and free drive to experience life to the fullest. This is true both in a conceptial idea of “positive” experiences where I created and said YES to opportunities beyond my wildest dreams, just as much as it does so in a “negative” sense with a chaotic entaglement with drug addiction and domestic violence.

Throughout my teens, the maiden was very much woven and intertwined with a very rebellious energy that saw me actively seeking out thrills and adventure, sometimes quite literally in the physical world, alot of the times deep in the dream land of my imagination. In reflection, it is actually far less a trauma pattern that I have for so long accredited my dissociative tendancies as a way of escaping reality, and actually a pure enjoyment in escaping reality to the world within the world, that is my imagination. The maiden has been my inner connection to my creative expression, the driving force that knew without knowing how that it is in creative expression that I am most free. It is through creative expression that I am able to “escape reality” by bringing the contents of my imagination into my physical reality.

I am coming to explore new layers of the Maiden that has been part of my unfolding journey in awakening to the truth that I am pure unlimited consciousness. The Maiden came alive for me as part of my awakening, as an archetype who I am coming to understand as a fractal of the Maiden, who I have come to know as “The Baby Witch”. This archetype was the Maiden energy who first introduced me to the occult. It was during a period of my life where the self perpetuating cycles of my body mind addiction had hit the extreme and I was done with it. I had just separated and found myself in this intense dissociative state, not knowing who the fuck was staring back at me in the mirror, and sick to death of being the victim to my own mind. I was joking about studying black magic, secretly terrified that even joking about it was going to see my burning in hell for eternity.

This harmless joke was the thought process that started it all. I found myself in a number of groups dedicated to the occult, witchcraft, energy medicine and a range of other modalities that involved energy manipulation. I found myself down rabit holes I was shocked to realise actually existed. All of this language was so make believe to me it was initially hard to grasp that people had made actual communities dedicated to all of these things being true. I found myself going down the crystal path and was doing a lot of research into crystal healing, reiki, witchcraft, spell casting etc etc. It wasn’t too long before I started experimenting with pendulums and spirit boards and I was all in, with my christian dogmatic fears in tow.

I remember when I first started meditating. I was still afraid of demons and doing things that would lead me to a fiery eternity, but I was curious and that far surmounted the fears that were then screaming at me (though I was not yet formally introduced to my clairs). I did a Spirit Guide meditation and though the experience was fairly mundane, that night I experienced what I thought to be a spirit encounter when a bowl of water was knocked right out of my hand. I was fucking terrified! All of the fears within me were peaking. That night I experienced sleep paralysis and I saw my “guide” for the very first time. She came to me very much as a demon (picture any single paranormal movie that exists) as a woman, floating but a hand away from me, her face just above mine. I opened my eyes and she was staring straight into me and her face absolutely twisted into this awful expression. I was frozen to the spot.

Not long after this experience which is the first conscious experience I had of my clairvoyance, I began communicating with a “being” outside of me using my spirit board and pendulum and learned that I have 3 guides who are working with me. These energies I began to notice felt different to me when I was communicating with them. I noticed that the pendulum moved with a different weight or speed or swing. These guides ALWAYS told me to meditate when I found myself asking questions, mostly questions that really were superficial to me with no real quality to me asking them. They were always guiding me to the truth that I did not need a pendulum or a board to communicate with them, I need only meditate. The maiden archetype was someone who she introduced herself as Emerald. In meditation, she showed herself to me as this glorious elf, fae type being who has incredibly green eyes and is dressed in green garments. She is athletic and has this air of warrior that comes through her also. The first time she revealed herself to me as this mystical being, she revealed to me that she had shown herself to me first as the horrifying nightmarish demon experience because she wanted to scare me awake. Little did I know then, the depths of what that means to me now.

The Baby Witch is a fractal of the Maiden that I have come to understand is that innate curiosity to explore reality as we know it. It is that pure attraction to the truth of our reality, that we are pure unlimited consciousness, and it is the exploration of hidden truths that surround us in our external world. The shadow of this archetype, is the giving away authority of personal power, by vindicating that we are the true source of energy that is divining intelligence through the trinkets outside of us. We are the energy that is swinging the pendulum and spelling out the answers on the spirit board. We are the energy picking out the tarot card. The Baby Witch archetype is a part of the Maiden energy that is something I am excited to explore and expand on as it is an archetype I have come to understand requires great responsibility in holding this archetypal pattern in alignment with the highest evolution of our collective awakening. It is a part of the awakening journey that for some, is perceived to start outside of us, when in reality, it was within us all along.

The message that is coming through from the Maiden to summarise this tiny fractal of the grander design that is my lifetime journey with archetypes, is that we are able to find ourselves just by opening our eyes to the truths beyond what your adulterated and conditioned eyes can see. Take off the spectacles that make your aged vision artificially perfected and allow the sight of your youth, that pure unadulterated desire to be one with the Universe, to bring you back home. Stop and listen to the song of the wind moving through the trees, the prayers of the birds being carried along the breeze. Smell the fresh cut grass, the flowers, the life around you. Feel the warmth of the sun and allow it to whisk you away to worlds where life is not one that you would choose to escape, but one that you would choose to make real. Move your body and dance in whatever way feels good for you and brings you back home, to the truth, that you are pure unlimited consciousness.

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