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August 28, 2020

#blacklivesmatter MATTERS.

What does it cost to allow another to live their truth?

This is a deep question.  One worth asking ourselves, and one another, often.

Communication seems to be a major issue in our world.  Not the methods of communication, there is no shortage of ways to communicate!  The styles in which we communicate can be problematic, though.

Everyone wants to speak.  We each have something to say.  Effective communication is more than speaking, it is to intentionally listen.

Ineffective communication is the root of so many issues, in our households, in our politics and in  our society as a whole.  With ineffective communication comes
upset, anger, doubt, fear, worry and frustration.

It seems most of us have become quite good at speaking our truths!  What about listening to one another’s truths, though?  Are we doing that yet?  Can we improve?  How?

We can start in our own homes.  Then, we can start when it comes to politics and eventually, our society will listen more … to our truths, and to those of our fellow humans.  Equally.

Black Lives Matter – matters.

I can say this, I can sing this, I can write this, I can read this, I can “be” this because it costs me NOTHING to respect, value, and care about another human being.

Communication has been ineffective and lacking as well as downright disturbing for centuries.

We CAN fix this.  We have to realize, as a collective that when a fellow human being is hurting, frustrated, and needing support – none of that can heal until that fellow human FEELS heard and understood.

Healing and healed humans support fellow humans that are healing.

To be privileged does not make someone a bad person.  To be underprivileged does not make someone a bad person.

We need to learn how to communicate better.  Is it really too expensive to just say – “I am sorry for all you have endured, you deserve happiness, health and peace.”  … and not just to say it, but really FEEL it.  If we do not say it, is it too expensive to think it?

What are we protecting as human beings if we cannot afford to extend this compassion and care?  What does it cost, really?

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