August 24, 2020

Dear Human, You are Worthy of so Much More.

God, Krishna, Ra, Allah—the source of all and love.

Many names for the one energy source—the center of every spiral.

The beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega, the duality of all that exists.

And you, dear human, are one with it all.

One with nature, one with mineral, one with the trees, one with all the beings that exist in your earthly realm and beyond.

You, dear human, are powerful beyond awareness and destructive beyond measure.

Senseless killing, senseless beatings of souls, and all that is physical.

Disgust at its core, but beauty at its extreme, too.


Acceptance is key beyond what you have been willing to do.

Destruction seems to be your tendency,

so rise above the negative and destroy, tear down, and obliterate the old patterns and ways of life that do not optimally benefit you and all beings of the earth.

You must rise to a higher purpose.

You are called.

You are deemed worthy of so much more.

Stop the destruction, the greed, the competitiveness, the separation.

Choose instead, to unite in cooperation, love, and understanding.

Compassion is only the beginning.

Action must take place to move beyond the old ways and restore beauty to your lives and the earth.

Give her and yourselves more credit.

Let yourselves achieve the heights of light and love through cooperation and union.

No more differences.

No more separations.

Boundaries will be broken down.

All will be right with the world once again.

Step up, dear human, and become a motivator of change and progress.

This time is crucial for you to make the shift into higher energies of light and love.

Beauty is your birthright—beauty of spirit, soul, physical, environment, and abundance.

There is no lack in the new earth.

This is how the golden age defines itself—

abundance for all.

Restore your rights America, Africa, Germany, England, Russia, Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Iceland.

All the countries of the world must reunite in solidarity.

No one should be left out, regardless of their size.

No domination of limited, larger countries, but all of equal stature and voice.

Representation is key, and cooperation should not include our political leaders.

This is important.

Instead, choose the lowliest of power among you—those who have been abused, those who have been tortured, those who have been marginalized.

These are the voices that must unite the world in a new union of cooperation.

These are the leaders who will speak equally for all they represent.

Dear human, choose a new paradigm.

Choose a path, a route, a solution that were never taken,

and go against whatever you thought worked before.

This is the new way—the clearest and quickest path to success.

Choose wisely.

You can do this for yourselves, for humanity, for the generations of leaders who are yet to come.

Lovers, not leaders, is how we would best describe the new generation of those who lead.

Lovers in light, positive hope, and faith will all unite in solidarity and in the achievement of balance within the framework of love and light.

Beware, dear human. Do not depart from our leadership requirement.

You must sincerely choose the least of your people without representation.

They alone will singularly represent the interests and concerns of all equally.

Find comfort knowing that the true path is one that was never taken before.

New solutions, new opportunities, a new path of delight are opening up for you.

Choose this route, and you will find ultimate success and solutions to old problems that seemed only to be solved through war.

Rise, dear human.

We love you and are excited to watch you expand and grow through these times.

The challenges are your test of expansion.

The universe will continue to expand with or without you.

Enjoy this time, as it is building something more beautiful and abundant than you could ever imagine alone.



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Valerie Patterson  |  Contribution: 1,835

author: Valerie Patterson

Image: Elizaveta/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef