Yes I am an Introverted, intuitive, feeling and judging person.
If you want to know more about the INFJ personality type go and research but I’m here to tell you how my life is like according to this rear personality type!
As a child, I had imaginary friends who had names and special personalities. As a child I felt somewhat strange or different, especially now since I’m growing up more mature. I usually prayed to God, sing high above in trees. I wasn’t like other kids. I always felt things too deeply and I still do. I am so sensitive to my environment that if there is a small change, my whole system would start frying up. When I’m around persons who make me uncomfortable or had demonic/ negative energy I wish I could go into a corner far away from them. Just their presence made me uncomfortable.
Many persons say I’m bipolar but I’M NOT. I am an INFJ empath. I am a deeply spiritual girl who is constantly encountering the spirit realm. I’m constantly question the existence of the primary forces of good and evil. Sounds strange but its true.
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I hate gossip. Many girls love a good gossip but all this does to me is feed on my positive energy. Its very bad. I hardly have friends. I prefer being alone but I love good, vibrant company.
I am difficult to pin down, Its very hard for me to get insecure, petty, dramatic. I’m not like this. I’m always working on my inner wounds and trauma. As an INFJ I know that the spiritual world is very evil and there is some good. That is why I always keep myself to myself because there’s a lot of evil and I don’t want my light to get dim. Most of all I am a very sensitive yet truthful person. Just like any other am scared of a lot of things but I try my best to never give up. I can get really angry when I am deeply provoked. Everything that I feel; I feel it on an energetic level and its stays in my heart on soul but I learn with time TO HEAL AND RELEASE THESE EMOTIONS. I WON’T LET THEM EAT ME ALIVE BECAUSE THIS WOULD BECOME A DARK JOURNEY.
With God I can do this! Yes I can.
No one understands me on this earth. Lol. Its crazy but hey I’m hard to get.
I hardly speak and when I do is important. Yes. Speaking is not my thing and being the center of attention. I hate when people even stare at me, like why?
I can be outgoing when I want to. When I am even outgoing and expressing my feelings/views on the outside I still am living on the inside of me: I’m still reflecting on the inside, I’m still feeling things that I don’t express, I observe things on the inside… yeah.
Persons say I’m weird or even crazy. I’m not any of these. I’m normal. Its just difficult for me to do all that others are doing.
I can adapt to persons and situations even though I live on the of inside of me.
I am on my journey with God, I’m here to deliver his message and to save my soul from eternal torment.
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