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August 22, 2020

Serendipity and Signs


Aug 22

So it goes that signs are a either a blessing or a curse. I would like to believe it’s a little of both. It’s those small reminders that keep you on course, when you honestly have no clue what to do. Whether you believe in a higher power or something else in divine nature, you hope to be blessed with infinite opportunities. While that doesn’t always happen, you can count on the little things along your journey, to make it worth it.

It all starts with an idea on paper, or a note on your phone. You put your dreams to action, to see them become a reality. To put your own blood, sweat and tears into something, that honestly has a 50/50 shot of actually becoming a full time job, well that’s the tricky part. It’s will be many sleepless nights of trying to figure out what direction to take. Family dinners and occasions become brainstorm sessions, trying to create the right formula for success. This ladies and gentlemen, is the life of a self employed individual aka an entrepreneur.

The purpose of all of this is to create a better life for yourself and family. Perhaps even leave a legacy behind for your children and future generations. I know personally the reason I created my company, is to leave my mark in this world. There is only one of me and that’s what makes my story different. My experiences are my own, my spin on life through my eyes. While that’s not always a pleasant experience, it does bring a realistic vibe to an audience. My goal with all of this even if it never becomes a huge thing, is to make you realize no wish is too big.

My whirlwind of a life continues to be just that. I have never been so content, with the little things that have become so much more. I’m blessed truly with all of the opportunities that have been put in front of me. Every day at work is still a new learning curve. I’m put in different situations and you must think fast. I’ve also started the enrollment process for college, a community one. I want to have a degree to fall back on, and higher education is important. Like writing the medical profession, will always have my heart.

Starting over is always hard, but in my heart I truly know this is what I’m meant to do. The butterflies that continue to swarm me, let me know that this is clarified. Everything that is set out before me, is part of the master plan. With that being known, stay tuned to what is to come, and know that I truly appreciate your love and support on this journey. Carpe diem and remember the future is so much brighter, than anything the past held.

Take Care,


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