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August 12, 2020

Sexual Energy/Intimacy

This article is for both males and females.

A confession I has to make: its hard having a very strong sexual energy. Since I’m an awakened female, I am going through the kundalini process. I’m still figuring this out.

Sexual energy is holy. When it is used in the right way, for the right reason, with the right partner it is considered holy. Sexual energy is primal, meaning: it is a natural force that isn’t meant to be contained for too long. Sexual energy is pure since it came directly from our creator to build creation. Sexual energy is designed for married couples. We have all been guilty of fornication but fornicating will only damage the true form of our sexual energy. Sexual energy requires self control: this means not allowing your sacred body and your sacred sexual energy to get tangled into dark forces with persons carrying around negative sexual energy. No casual sex, no prostitution, no whoring around. These things doesn’t heal you, they destroy you from the inside out.

Sexual energy requires purpose: what is your purpose for wanting to be intimate with someone. Is it because they are hot? Is it because they’re an easy target? Is if because you want a relationship or to build a connection with this person?

Sexual energy requires consent. That means no going around raping women and scarring their beautiful, sacral energy. After you created this damage this woman would have to go through a lot of healing. Do not destroy or misuse a woman’s energy.

Our body is a temple of the living God. Your body is a temple of the living God. My body is a temple of the living God. Feel that power, breathe, feel that energy roaring inside of you. Remind that energy that not any kind of person is allowed to come close, to touch, to feel, to use, to destroy that energy.

Sexual energy is potent. It can heal you or destroy you forever. It can heal your partners or destroy them over and over.

Just breathe and feel that powerful urge of something so strong. It wants to be let out, it wants to have a meaning but remind it that sexual energy can be transferred to doing and being something much more. Allow this energy to flow through your daily life, it doesn’t just have to be sex. Save this energy for something more meaningful. Fornication is not of God. If you’ve been guilty of it, you can correct it. Follow the steps that I give you. Married couples are the only ones who can have sex with each other without sinning.

Even though some marriages are falling apart. So many persons who were not meant to be together, are together. Their bodies may have sex but their hearts lack the ultimate love. It can happen to any couple.

Wait and do your inner healing. Find the right man, the right woman, join in matrimony and make love.


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