An ‘ANT’ may sound something irrelevant in our lives. But it can make a difference too ! How ? When it(fire ant) stings over some part of our body and we feel the slight pain. Of course nobody likes the ant to climb their body. But what if we don’t notice and then slowly colonies of ants ascend our hands or arms. This makes certain significance !
In context to this, our mind can be discomforted because of ‘just’ an ANT like negative thought which goes unnoticeable initially. But once the colonies of such thoughts build up, it can make an impact in our spiritual life. As a Christian we have to be very careful about what we think. Our thoughts have a major essence in our life (Proverbs 4:23-27). Satan’s first attack weapon is the mind. Even after praying harder a single thought of negativity can block the blessings. In Mathew 8:26, when Jesus replied to His disciples, Oh you people of little faith ! Here, this ‘little’ describes the ANTful thoughts of the disciples.
Remember it all just starts with the tiniest and then follows the whole chain. Attending the whole prayer session can be squandered only by just one ‘ANT’. Thereafter, it’s crucial to notice it and get rid of it by the word of God.
I hope this small example has been helping to the readers and a blessing to all of you. Don’t forget readers, it all starts with an ‘ANT’..
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