August 25, 2020

The Earth is asking us to Listen.


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It is a Sunday morning in August 2020, and through her moans and deep sadness, she is asking to be heard.

But not just heard, listened to.

Each of my children wake asking me similar questions, “Mom, there are lights flashing outside” and, “It sounds like furniture is being moved, is everything okay?” I reply, “Everything is okay, my love, please go back to sleep.”

My other child wakes, she is my older one, my very inquisitive one. She asks, “What’s going on?” I reply to her. “She is sad, my dear, and wants to be heard.” She gives me that teenaged look in her eyes and says, “Mom, what’s really going on?”

“The Earth is letting go, she is purging, and she is asking for us to listen.”

My daughter is losing patience with me and goes back to bed. So here I am, just me in the silence of her wails. I sit and sit some more. Her birds are not making many sounds, and when they do, they are flooded by thunder and the bright lights of her presence. She is asking us to wake up, not only to a new day, but to the greater understanding that we are not separate.

A deeper meaning of who we are doesn’t require searching as much as it is in “remembering” who we are.

We are all a work in progress and with deep truths surfacing. A revolution is underway. What happens on the inside always seems to make its way as an outer manifestation.

This virus has entered our world for a reason, and, without making light of the tremendous suffering of many, we enter into a deep journey. The survival of our human species depends on it. Having a deeper awareness depends on it. Every breath we take depends on another life; we are interdependent. With a better understanding of who we are, and a broader awareness of the world that vibrates on, love is possible.

Although those who have the means to feed and house the poor and needy don’t have the will. So she cries.

Her children have become greedy. So she cries. Her children have become less than compassionate. So she cries.

This beautiful country has become my home, but deep down, I know I have a cord that if I pull it, can land myself back into my native Australia. But is it really any better there? I’m not too sure anymore. As I sit in the seat of my soul and listen deeply to her, I think she might be telling me that this is a human issue. This is a lack of consciousness issue. This is an empathy issue—and not something that happened overnight.

We live in a dualistic society and what we need is balance. This has taken generations of humans, and to be truthful, our own global family members, to get to where we are today. Letting go of the old is hard, but living like this has got to be harder!

I feel we are experiencing a metamorphosis and the ugly parts are staring at us in the mirror. We all need to take some responsibility for where we are today. We have all benefited from Mother’s constant care and love for us. No longer can we point the finger outside of us and to past generations and the like. She has provided well for us.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “The world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” It reminds me to appreciate my life as it is, and all the little things that mean so much.

As I sat in meditation today, staring off at the beautiful lavender and a statue of the Buddha, I began to ponder that maybe we can learn so much from the metaphorical hand being open to what is.

Look at the way the Buddha is sitting. It is so symbolic, with his palm facing open, for how we have the opportunity to be more inclusive throughout the day. Holding everything in the field of awareness and not just the sweet parts, but all the parts that make us a whole being. Maybe we could say that as we trust ourselves more, we might feel the confidence to open to life in a non-clinging, nonjudgmental, and nonreactionary way.

Just be the opening, just be the witness, and forgive.

Are we willing to uncover who we truly are, beyond our limiting self? And can we be inclusive of our entire earth-family while contemplating these deeper questions?

This is a difficult chapter where we can always think of what we don’t have and what we can’t do. Yet, despair is not the tunnel that we need to go down. Instead, think of what you do have, and what is available to you. If you are safe and healthy, be grateful! Send that energy of gratitude to the people who need it the most.

As we courageously put one foot in front of the other, may we walk through this portal with little to no luggage and embrace it all with love.


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author: Mellara Gold Anzenberger

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari