We all have been through times in some part of our lives where we felt completely devastated and shattered. There may also be times in our life where some of us felt completely dead. Gradually we managed to move on with the physical sphere of life. Nevertheless, we all have undesired scars left due to deep wounds IN us. Those scars can be fear from a terrible experience, low confidence due to past failures, aggressive behavior because of stress, failing to love again, or any imprint from our past or current situations. Above all this we have victorious JESUS (1 John 5:4), who took all our wounds on the Cross and brought forth healing (Isaiah 53:5).
No matter how much the scars sting you, believe that each and every wound has already been healed and those SCARS SPEAK as victory of live Jesus ‘INSIDE’ you! Trust that every tribulation generates a ‘Fruit’ and this is the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:3). This fruit becomes a testimony for the glorification of The living GOD. As Jesus arose on the third day, your scars were stemmed with Him in the form of the best which GOD has kept in store for you!
Remember anything that confronted you today or in the past is going to heed a reward for tomorrow because Jesus has triumphed over it. Hope this message must have been a ray of hope for everyone reading this. Blessings and love from Christ !
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